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Bri -
there are times where I'm just counting my blessings in life like my Lee know or Minho for short my boy was a backup dancer for BTS I remember seeing him and I thought he's going to go so far one day it's scary.

I didn't realize that he would become part of the most biggest fourth generation group and I would become his wife that's really funny if you think about it and Maddie everybody thought that she could get you know Jean boy, but she ended up with Felix living with him.

We just didn't think that Felix would ever be a good husband but he's an amazing husband like you know he just didn't like the person that didn't want to be married or act like he didn't want to be married but secretly he wanted to be married because when he married Maddie, he said that was the happiest day of his life. When she agreed to marry him, he cried hours.

It was a mess on the wedding day meals and Karen are the best rated for girl could ever have and then I remember I went to
Check on Felix and he was crying on  chis his shoulder was soaked with tears .

The boys are trying to comfort him and tell him not to cry Woodmere daddy, but it was really cute. He love her so much she could even say the wedding vows than when Lee know and I got married or Minho .

I thought my heart was gonna pound out of my chest. I didn't think I'd make it for the ceremony without crying but I cried the whole time.

I cried like a baby because I really wanted her to do her speech and of course Maddie the Speech she was killer she was a killer Queen. like Maddie has such a way with words I don't even know how to describe it.

It's weird it's not like a weird way with words it's just like Maddie like had a way with words that we can't even describe because I am,

she did exactly what she needed to do and it was very emotional because she did everything for us.

I'm so happy to be ram in life and Ameriprise, the parkers .

I need because I started advocating for people you know who's going through what I did  and try to help others not so lots of people can do that and that's exactly what I wanna do is I want to help other kids I don't want anybody else or any teenagers.

feel like they're feeling their feelings don't matter
because they do and I'm just really surprised that JYP
hasn't really messed with me, but he has In  away I didn't get poisoned like the girls, but I got injured by him at one time he was so mad when he found out that one of his boys were married.

It was so crazy because it was just I guess beyond me and the way because you don't think that it can happen to you until it does happen to you, so you always wanna keep your guard up and never let it down because that's when tragedy strikes.

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