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there are times. Are you just want to cry and be thankful for what you have because you don't know what you have until it's gone. I remember are used to cry because I was confused about life but you know you kind of take it for granted here and there, but then you realize that sometimes the best things in life are right in front of you. It just takes a while for you to end and thank you to realize.

Like hell yeah I did that I took really good care of the people that I loved and I did everything for them to keep them happy and healthy and safe, but have a forever wasn't as long as I hoped I wanted to be strong,

independent woman and I am, but sometimes you just need a little sidekick am on the way like My
Peter it's very emotional if you actually think about it because I've always wanted to be there for them and make him proud but I know my service dog is proud of me. I think the girls and I can agree that our service dogs are the best thing that ever happened to us.

I don't think that we would have ever met had it not been for the dogs and probably not that I can't do  what have been if I never been born?

It would've been very difficult for us to breathe so it's very scary because if you think about it and you try not to think about it anymore you try like not to think that you wouldn't of met or had a wife that you had a day had it not been for some changes in your life and change is always hard but sometimes it gives you opportunities in a lifetime that you would never wanna get how did not happen so I am grateful that I met the girls and I have my lifeline and I have my husband, but the time do you think the show

but again everything happens for a reason even though we may not understand it sometimes it's the greatest gift or the greatest.

You know truth being told that there is to mankind, and I will never stop trying to raise awareness for my condition and you know trying to get people to realize it so it's very scary and because you think about it every other day, and I will never stop with what I do because if I don't stop with what I do you know it's not going to see any improvement and I want improvement.

I want everybody to be happy and healthy and we're just doing semi-good you know it's better than doing terrible.

I got to be semi-good and doing semi-bad so I think about it every day and you're trying not to but you just gotta keep on pushing and going forward and that's exactly what all do you know that I have the boys by my side.

I vow to love you 💍 - a stray kids fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ