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Yoongi dressed up as fast as he could seeing he only had an hour before he had to meet Jimin.

"Yoongi calm down. He might not even be there yet." Taehyung said.

"But he might be. You never know." Yoongi said.
"By the way I'm coming with you." Taehyung said getting up.

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked silently panicking.

Don't get him wrong. Taehyung is his best friend in the whole world but he can a bit much sometimes. Ok a lot much and a crack head too.

"Calm down. I'm not going to impose on you and Jimin." Taehyung said wriggling his eye brows. "But there's this street dance group that's gonna perform at the 83 tower."

"83 tower huh? Okay whatever don't get lost. Don't hurt yourself. Most importantly don't get hit by a bus." Yoongi warned remembering the time Taehyung got hit by a bus.

"Yes mother." Taehyung replied lightly bowing earning an eye roll from Yoongi.

"Hi Jimin." Yoongi said when he got to Jimin, Taehyung waving as he went in the opposite direction.

"Oh hey! Today we're going to Palgongsan. It's a mountain that we can hike." Jimin said but changed his mind when he saw the mortified look on Yoongi's face.

"Or we can just take a cable car. Hehe." Jimin said and Yoongi visibly relaxed.

Jimin enjoyed staying with Yoongi though he'd just met him a few days ago. Maybe it was because Yoongi didn't judge or pity him. Or because Yoongi seemed genuinely interested when he said something.

Or maybe he just liked Yoongi a little too much for a stranger.

"We'll take a bus there then go on a cable car and you'll be able to see the whole of Daegu from up there." Jimin said smiling and leading Yoongi to a bus stop.

Yoongi smiled along with him. Mountains never interested him but since Jimin was taking him it seemed fine.

Jimin had actually been right. He could see the whole of Daegu from the mountain and it was just pretty.

The maple trees growing all around the mountain were also very pretty. Jimin explained how much prettier they looked in autumn and Yoongi made a mental note to come back then. Hopefully with Jimin too.

Jimin lead Yoongi to one of the many Buddhist temples around the mountain. Yoongi wasn't very religious but he still went in and did everything he was instructed to do.

It was all good till they left the temple and Yoongi couldn't find his shoes. It seemed pretty funny to Jimin who was practically wheezing but Yoongi didn't find it funny one bit.

"Would you stop? It's not that funny." Yoongi whined with a pout.

"That's because you can't see your face." Jimin said still laughing and wiping some tears from his eyes. Yoongi smiled a bit.

"Luckily for you, this happens a lot and there's someone who sells shoes here now." Jimin said.

"Wow so some people come to a temple with the intent of stealing shoes?" Yoongi huffed out following Jimin.

They bought the shoes and Jimin suggested going to a coffee shop.

"I promise they have amazing coffee shops here." Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

They got some balloons on their way Yoongi's insistence.

"It has a mochi on it. You're squishy like mochi." Yoongi said picking the balloon and Jimin retaliated by picking one with a cat on it.

"Oh look this one has Yoongi on it." Jimin said with a mischievous smile.

They were finally leaving after getting the coffee when Yoongi got a text from Taehyung.

"Uhm can you take me to 83 tower? I have to meet Tae there." Yoongi asked.

"Oh I'm actually going there. We can go together then." Jimin replied a little happy that Yoongi didn't have to leave just yet.

Yoongi was like a safe calm. It was like Jimin took a break from everything once Yoongi was there. And he wanted to savour that. Just for a while.

Short chapter. Nobody reading anyway. Have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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