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It was the next day she went to college then to  the set for work ,trying to avoid any sorts of contact with Saanjha because she knew that the first thing he would do is.. "Hi" she turned around and there he was "so did you change your mind " ... to ask her about the acting job, "No" she was said and started walking away from him, following her without loosing any hope he knows this habit of his makes her blood boil she stopped turned around with an angry face and at this point even he was scared and she said "Don't you have any work to do like any re shoots or dubbing or whatever" "Nope I had an early pack up today, now please think about the opportunity and say yes" "Dude I already got this job to do and I am happy " " Really, it going to be almost one year " "so what about it " she said with a confused look , give her a sarcastic smile he said " well someone I know told me a few months back that' I am not really the kind of person who could stay at one place in life you know' " mimicking her "well I did say that but ..... " She was trying to come up with an argument but couldn't find any "but ......hmmm?? come on dude you even ran out of arguments how often does that happen it's been an year - " cutting him in between she said  "exactly which means I have my semester end exams, and trust me on this one I really want to pass and be called a 2nd year law student, that's the whole reason I came here, remember" " oh please it can't be that difficult I mean I got my college degree while I was working" he said with a casual look on his face "huh, yeah right you do not compare your trifling mass communication degree which someone can get in there sleep with law , do you know how much studying, it involves " looking at her in absolute disbelief of what she said he sarcastically asked "do you even study?" "Amm I mean I get good marks" she said, trying to avoid the question "yeah only because you attend lectures and is one of those students who even if study just one night before the exam gets good marks, oh god knows how much I hate people like you" not only you  Saanjha we all hate people like that anyway, " yeah that's me, but you really think I will able to manage my studies with acting in a serial " "ohhh so the rumours are true you are the overconfident type" uninterested in the conversations she said" what do you mean?" sarcastically he said " oh honey, I just told you to give the audition, you really think that you are going to get the role at your first audition , you should have the taste of rejection it'll be good for you " she steps closer to him making him nervous and says in a deeper voice " first of all don't you ever call me darling again and yes if I give the audition I will get selected" and steps away, taking his breath back with full confidence he says " alright then, prove it " "fine " she says , he chuckle's  and mutter's to himself saying "all it takes is giving her an opportunity to have a ego boost and she'll be ready to do anything you tell her " " what was that " she said as she heard him saying something " nothing , I'll text you the address of the studio " he said  " hmm "  she responded  "alright see you later alligator" he said and walked away with a smile "seriously, see you later alligator what are we five , I wonder if Ray would still have such a massive crush on him , if she knew how weird he is" she sigh's and goes back to  her work

The next day she skips one of her lectures and without meeting Saanjha she goes for her audition because she knew if she would meet him he would give her a lecture about what to do and what not to and would also call the director to help her and neither she was in a mood for lecture nor for somebody to give her some sort of advantage she gave the audition went to collage and then to work as she was working she saw Saanjha coming he asked "So when do you plan to give the audition " " I already did " she said casually doing her work and not making an eye contact with him " what, you did , why didn't you tell me I would have told you what to do and what not to " she smirks and he sees that and says " what's so funny about it ,god why are you so impossible ,anyways how did it go should I call the director " " no you should not and it went the way it should have been relax ,they said they will give a call" she said pushing him to go back to his work. 

Few days passed by and one day when she was at work and as soon as he came to set he rushed to her and asked " did you get the call?, did you get the role? "  looking at him straight in the eyes she said "no not yet , and for the past whole week you have been coming to set, meeting me and your first question is about the call why are you so desperate like its you how will get there first acting break " before he could say anything the spot boy said " the makeup artists are waiting sir "  "alright I'll be there"   in a hurry he moves to her and says " if they call I will be the first one to know "   "okay" she responds and as he moves away and she starts to do her work again one of her co worker's say "so what's he's up to looked a little too desperate " "yeah he is like that ........ weird" she said and laughed and then her phone started ringing she took it out from her pocket and saw that it was from the directors office she picks it up and listens and says " alright thank you" the call cuts and she sigh's in sadness.            

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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