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So, this girl had a pretty normal life till the time she was in her school average in studies average in looks had many crushes but no boyfriend okay she is a Indian girl who belongs to a middle class family but moreover I think that she didn't really strongly believe in love or to be specific finding someone but she had a great love for Bollywood maybe that was the reason somewhere deep inside that love is there in any form but exists .so if her life was so simple and had ordinary problems just like us then where is the drama oh did I forgot to mention that other than Bollywood her another love was drama yeah I mean why do you think she loved Bollywood so much but sadly she had no drama in her real life not that her life was smooth like butter ok bad reference I know but she also had problems which use to irritate her made her confused but still this, is a simple life and the question is still the same hmmm ,drama her dreams I guess yeah ,her dream, to become an army lawyer to serve the country to do something remarkable for her country I know such an ordinary girl but and having a dream to serve her country I quite unusual but that was her, she also never understood why she was so patriotic no one I in her close family was like this but she somewhere thought that it came from her grandfather her very dear nanu she doesn't remember her she was very young when he passed away but since her childhood she used to listen to the stories of her grandfather tho he worked in railway's but his attitude and ability to stand against the wrong was no less than an officer so maybe she got this from his but where did she knew that this dream of her would bring a lot in her life ,a lot good ,bad love , heat , sacrifice and much more it was a long journey which she had to cover to fulfil her dream .cut to after her school graduation she cleared the law entrance exam and surprisingly got admission in one of the quit reputed NLU in Mumbai her parents weren't the vary flexible type but did know that this was there daughter's chance , so after some convincing and argument's they agreed to send her , she knew this was not the hard part it was going into a new city having a home and start a complete new life and her life was about to start a new chapter .

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