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She was sitting on the couch which was already in the house there were no curtains in the room which allowed the natural light come inside the room she was sitting there thinking about her childhood and how she ended up here then she started thinking about her deepest grief she grew up with her nanu's death he died when she was just an year and a half he died due to negligence in treatment and she was hospitalised a night before he died she had always thought that maybe if that day she wouldn't have gotten sick and everyone could have seen his condition then maybe he could have been saved just maybe he would have been there for her, because she thinks he was the only one who could understood and believed in her dreams of becoming something ,that was worth for country her relationship with her parents of how overprotective they were which almost use to strangle her, how she got away from all the people that thought she was nothing to become something how her parents' marriage and her being herself, ruined romantic love that how she got away from all the negativity in her life while she was still connected to all of it while her thoughts were getting deeper suddenly the door bell rings she left her thoughts in flurry and went to open the door a lady was standing in front of her, even before she could ask her name she stepped in uninvited and eyeballed the whole room and said "so you haven't settled in yet " she replied "actually I just came last night" she gave her a fake smile and said tell me if you need something and even before she could reply she left then she closed the door and said to herself "hmmm this is going to be difficult"

A week has passed by tho she has settled in and had same unpleasant encounter with her neighbour she still use to have so much time left and siting home alone everyday wasn't her thing so she started brainstorming ideas on how to pass her time and as she loves movies, no she did not think about going to a set to see shooting tbh that's boring at least for her and not everybody dose that who is new in Mumbai ok most of the people do but she was different so she thought of something unconventional she went to watch theatre plays and while doing this she also enjoyed her own company it was nice as she always thought that stories and experiences were the ones that taught people most about life and she always use to learn something watching plays it was now part of her daily routine as she always used to go to only one theatre she used to see this man in black shirt and jeans who was around 50-55 and was sure about two things that one he was the director of most of the plays shown and second that he only had this one black shirt and jeans which he wore to his every show, they sometimes used to pass each other smiles as she was regular there but they never really talked but one day to her surprise he was standing out off the hall in the lobby scolding one of his junior she went up to him and asked is everything ok or that can she help him with something he told her that there was scene in which the main lead sees' him self in the mirror and there is someone else he see over there the person who was suppose to play his other version in the mirror hasn't shown up "oh" she said and then went into deep thinking and after a few seconds her face sparkled with a smile and she said "we could make it look like as if there is no one in the mirror and then he feels that is not himself anymore and then the realisation can hit him" he looked at her smiled and said "we?" she shied away and said "I meant you", well the paly started and when that part came to her surprise it was executed exactly the way she told them to and the audience loved the play in that vary moment she felt the sense of satisfaction and that how people liked what she thought and after the play when she went to meet the director ,before she could say thank you he said "would you like to be assistant creative director for an upcoming tv series " whattttttttt.........

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