Chapter 5 : Naomi

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As I head back to the office I just hope Naomi has some good news for me. I hope she took the advice on board. Before I left I was pretty stern, probably should've remained calm but Wyatt just gets under my skin and I took it out on Naomi. I've had time to reflect and I'm still pissed off that Wyatt tried to poach Naomi. I've got dinner reservations with Naomi later to go over the client.

I head into the office and to my surprise Wyatt is in Naomi's office. "Naomi, my office" I say sternly.
"What did he want?"
"Nothing sir just catching up, telling me about his weekend " she says, she seems very hesitant to even talk to me.
I turnt the conversation around, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable but I also needed Naomi to know that I'm not playing around.
"Did you have a good weekend?"
"Yes thank you sir, did you?"
"Yes I did thanks"

Now the small talk was over, I had to look like I cared when really I couldn't give a shit. Well usually I would but right now I need Naomi to secure this deal.
"So any news for me on the deal? We've got a dinner reservation tonight, did you want to pre-warn me now if I should be pissed off..."

Naomi took a moment to respond,
"No all good sir, we've come to an agreement I just want to go over a couple of final touches and then we can sign the deal. Mr Singh is away on vacation with his wife until tomorrow evening. So I will have his contract drawn up by Wednesday afternoon."

This was music to my ears I've been so stressed. Later at dinner Naomi was still abit standoffish it was like she was trying to say something to me all day but just didn't want to. It was making me anxious not sure why.

Do you want a drink Naomi to celebrate your big deal landing?
"Yes please sir can I have a wine"
"It's Andrew out the office"
After a wine or two we get talking and I explain to Naomi that I'm only stern because I want her to succeed.
"I'm not making you feel uncomfortable am I Naomi"
"No, but if we're being honest..."
I knew something was wrong.
"Wyatt has offered me double what you're paying me, and a bigger office."

It's like Wyatt is trying to make me buy him out the company because he's doing everything to piss me off. I've tried to remain calm but I really want to cave his head in.
"Ok and what do you think about that?"
I wouldn't force her to stay but at the same time it makes me want her more.
Wyatt has seriously pissed me off but we need to go over the details, I will deal with him in my own time.

"So Mr Singh has agreed to sign the deal for a price cut of $8786 so the kitchen can be solved up to his standard, also on top of that he wants us to provide to interior designer and contractor before hand as goodwill...
"Is he taking the piss" I know I'm pissed off but this is a piss take.
"Tell mr Singh we will do it for a price cut of $7385 and will provide the interior designer and our own contractors in company, or we will for a price cut as he asked however he needs to provide the interior designer and contractor.

We're finishing dinner, both extremely tipsy.
I need to go home before I get myself in trouble, Naomi is hot very hot and I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to take her to the bathroom and fuck her over the sink but I don't think mixing business with pleasure is a good idea.

As the night passes Naomi goes to the toilet, I take the opportunity to go at the same time.
How on earth have you gotten so drunk on a work night, put some water on your face before you make a fool of yourself.
As I walk out the toilet Naomi does too, I knock into her. "Another drink she says" grabbing my hand brushing against my cock. Not sure if it was an accident or not but it certainly made me hard.
"No I've got to get back to Jenny she's going to be wondering where I am" I lock eyes with her, with temptation. I grab her waist and pull her towards me. She laughs putting her head down.
We head out before it gets out of hand.

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