12 - Monster or Man, They're Really The Same Thing

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"Why indeed. For fun? For sport? Maybe it was just a whim. Maybe. But that doesn't sound like me. Perhaps after years spent with humans, you've finally rubbed off on me. I might be developing a sense of whimsy."

—Alucard, Hellsing

Zangetsu was in control, slowly opening his eyes and blinking a few times. Great. If he was in control then that meant King was out like a light and he was the one left to do the talking and likely fighting.

He looked to see who had knocked Ichigo out and whose asses he would be kicking. There were nine in total: some fatso with pink hair trying and failing to pull off the butler look (made him look more like a pedophile), some dude with piano teeth, a lady in a high school uniform (probably a pervert), some rip-off Sentai Ranger girl, some idiot with sunglasses and a star-shaped afro (go back to the 80s!), a guy who looked like he belonged in a theater club or was a music teacher, and the only somewhat normal looking guy in this freakshow was a guy in workout clothes with grey hair. Oh yeah, and a midget with pigtails.

"So, this where Karakura keeps its circus?" Zangetsu jabbed, a shit-eating grin splitting his face from ear to ear. He wanted to see how they'd react and it was Midget McResting-Bitch-Face that fell for it first, rushing at him. Borrowing a bit of the Old Man's power, he broke up the bonds that were keeping him immobile and ducked underneath the swing of her Zanpakuto. When she came back for round two, he dodged with a bit of Shunido. She wanted to play?

Zangetsu could play, and he would. But Zangetsu and Ichigo had very different definitions of the word 'play'. He would win (live) and this girl would lose (be incapacitated, or killed if given permission to do so). He would not kill her, as it was Ichigo's place to decide if Zangetsu would be used to kill or not. He was a blade meant to protect and be used by his King, nothing more and nothing less.

And he wouldn't let some snot-nosed shinigami brat win. Quickly, he dodged her blade as she adorned a Hollow's mask. He took out their blade, blocking the hit that came.

Help. Please, just let me help you, my wielder. I can be of use!

He never expected to hear that from the girl's blade. A distorted, almost childlike voice quietly asked but was denied. These shinigami... it made all too much sense why they kidnapped Ichigo. They were like him, but there was one key difference that made them stand apart.

"You sick bitch! You've been repressing your Hollow, but all she wants is ta help ya!" Zangetsu yelled, dodging a Cero from her. Her expression couldn't be seen under the mask, but her reiatsu was fiery, telling Zangetsu all he needed to know.

"How would you know?! Sticking up for one of your kind, aren't you?! It needs-" Zangetsu lunged at her, pinning her to the ground. He sat on her chest, their blade against her throat.

"Because I'm Ichigo's zanpakuto spirit, as she's become a part of yours. Ichigo's accepted me as a part a' his soul. Yer Hollow was beggin' ta help ya, and she ain't even that bad; she's just everythin' ya keep bottled up." Zangetsu stated, trying to keep his voice level but rage was slipping out. How could someone do that to their zanpakuto, their own soul?!

Did they fear their Hollows that much?

"Well, I'm not the monster here! You Hollows love killing so much, so go ahead and do it!" She goaded, grabbing onto their blade.

"Get yer hands offa me." He snarled, looking to see her hand near the tip of the blade. It felt so wrong for his blade to be in the hands of someone other than Ichigo. He shivered in slight disgust as the hand stayed.

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