- I'll Keep The King -

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"So Mom was a Quincy, Karin is training to be a Quincy from Uryu's dad which also means that Uryu is a Quincy, and Yuzu is learning Kido from the getaboshi?" This was a lot for Ichigo to take in. He was pretty sure if his dad dropped one more 'by the way, so and so has supernatural abilities' then Ichigo's brain was going to fry out. Honestly, he was surprised Zangetsu wasn't complaining about smoke in his inner world.

"Yep. And you already know that I'm a shinigami. Is this a bit too much for you, Ichigo?" His dad asked as he was tidying up the clinic. Well, tidying up wasn't the right word. Something Ichigo noticed was that his dad had an order to where he placed everything in the clinic and those housekeepers Ryuuken hired went and mucked up his dad's method of organization which he was not a fan of, saying that you don't go messing with how a doctor keeps their clinic.

So here they were talking about the supernatural while organizing a clinic. It was a bit comforting to Ichigo to know he had people in the World of the Living who also dealt with the supernatural on a day-to-day basis, even if his sisters were new to it.

"It's not too much, but it's still a lot. By the way, what are Quincies?" Ichigo had heard of Plus spirits, Hollows, Shinigami, and Arrancar but he'd never heard of a Quincy. Wait... did that mean he'd have Quincy abilities on top of his Shinigami and Hollow ones?!

"They're humans who can absorb the reishi around them and use it to fight against Hollows. But unlike Shinigami who purify a soul when they kill a Hollow, Quincy destroy the soul. Because Quincy were killing too many Hollows, the Shinigami killed most of them." Isshin told him while organizing some medical books. Now Ichigo had even more questions. Why did souls need purifying? Why did killing Hollows make the Shinigami kill Quincy?

So Ichigo asked his dad those questions and that was when all the information went into the 'too much' category, overloading Ichigo's brain. Zangetsu took over, knowing his king needed a bit of a break from all this. Ichigo was still getting used to all this and their return to the World of the Living was supposed to be a break for King, but nope! Stupid Goatface went and ruined it. Maybe he could mess with the organization of those medical journals in an act of pettiness. Yep, that seemed like a good plan.

But he still needed a small act of pettiness right now, just because.

"Oi, Goatface! Don't just dump all that info on King all at once. His brain can only handle so much before ya fry it." Zangetsu gave a kick to the back of Isshin's leg, causing the man to stumble for a bit and shot a seemingly betrayed look at Zangetsu before realizing Ichigo wasn't in control and soon shifted back to a neutral expression. The Hollow got back to poking around the clinic, finding things strewn about to put in a pile for Isshin to sort out as he didn't have the darndest idea how Isshin organized things. He went in the waiting room, looking at the pile of magazines that no one ever touched and were only serving the purpose of collecting dust at this point.

Might as well throw them out since no one was going to use them. Zangetsu picked the things up - Home and Gardening Monthly, Social Security and You? Who in smuckerfuck read this stuff?! - and walked outside to the trashcan near the Kurosaki residence to throw the damned things out. And it was just when he threw them out that someone tackle-hugged him out of nowhere.

"WHO THE HECK-" Zangetsu turned around to see King's friends, Tatsuki and Keigo. Both of them were looking at him funny, though Keigo seemed to be doing his best impression of a fish without a jaw, as his eyes were like saucers and his mouth was hanging wide open.

"Do we need to call a priest?! Did you get possessed-" Zangetsu was all too quick to cut Keigo off. They didn't need Keigo drawing attention and causing a scene. Correction, Zangetsu and King didn't need that. King already had enough thrown his way and he didn't need rumors about getting possessed added onto the list of BS that people threw at him.

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