11 - I Wasn't Expecting To Get Kidnapped Tonight -

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"In the night time streets of Ankh-Morpork caution is an absolute. There is no such thing as moderately cautious. You are either very cautious, or you are dead. You might be walking around and breathing, but you're dead, just the same."

—Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchet

If you asked anyone in Karakura what festival locals held most dear, most would say the Obon Matsuri. For some reason or another (Ichigo knew why: the town was a Jūreichi), Karakura had a strong connection to the supernatural. As such, a festival dedicated to helping the spirits find their way was of great importance for those in Karakura.

But it was because of the town's connection to the supernatural that Ichigo had been unable to participate in it for most of his life, as spiritual activity was at an all-time high between August 13th to the 15th, which included Hollows.

And that included Grand Fisher, the Hollow responsible for his mother's death. But the Ichigo then and the Ichigo now were different. If Grand Fisher came for him tonight, then he'd kill it if his father didn't get to the thing first.

But Ichigo could worry about that later, as tonight was dedicated to the living and the dead alike, with Ichigo not feeling out of place for once.

He grabbed his festival kimono, a simple garb of red with black trims, and a crescent moon on the front of the obi. He slipped on a pair of geta sandals, a gift from Urahara after he unlocked a Shikai ability, and headed down the stairs.

"Ready to get this party started, cousin?" Kaien asked, a big grin on his cousin's face. Kaien's kimono was a light blue with swirl-esque patterns on the sides embroidered to look akin to the flower Kaien's zanpakuto was named after, Nejibana. In one of his hands was a kappa mask and on his back was a...

"Since when did you know the shamisen?!" Kaien simply laughed off Ichigo's question, stating that nobles needed to be well-versed in at least one of the arts. Of course, that's how his cousin knew it, with Kaien being from the main branch of the Shiba clan. Despite serving Aizen nowadays, Kaien still held on strongly to his roots as a Shiba.

"Well get a move on, already! Me an' Yuzu want to taste the dango and mochi." Karin huffed, ready to go out the door. Their dad was already out, tengu mask on the side of his head with lanterns in one hand and a mask in another. Dad walked up to the four, tossing the mask to Ichigo.

Ichigo looked at the mask. Red skin and golden horns with long teeth...


King, can I kick tha geezer in da nuts?

Ichigo's first festival mask and it was an oni mask at that. Oni were humans turned monstrous by the wickedness in their hearts after death, akin to Hollows. Ichigo looked at his dad with a flat grin and dead eyes, a dry laugh escaping his throat before Zangetsu took over and made good on his request.

"M-Masaki, is that you..." Isshin whimpered, reaching his hand out to a non-existent light.

"Stop bein' such a crybaby, Isshin. 'Sides, this one's on ya for such a shitty joke!" Zangetsu scolded, waving the mask in front of Isshin for good measure. He let Ichigo switch back who then helped his father up. Isshin let out a wince as he got up, legs wobbling slightly like he was in a cartoon and was nervous. But the nerves came from the fear of the possibility that Zangetsu would kick him in the nuts again.

At the sound of geta sandals clacking against the concrete, Ichigo turned to find Urahara, Yoruichi, Jinta, and Ururu. Urahara was in his usual getup, with Yoruichi garbed in a deep purple kimono with lightning patterns on the skirt segment and a pattern of rolling black clouds on the obi. Ururu was in a simple light blue kimono with pink dots scattered on it to look like cherry blossoms. Jinta's was a bright red with various patches on it.

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