Ch: 1 Pt: 12 The Trial

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Y/N slowly opened his eyes and noticed he was lying down in one of the beds at U.A.  Y/N smiled at the sight, remembering all the times he used to visit the hospital.

"Long time no see old friend."  He said to the hospital bed.

The door to the room opened up, to which Y/N's parents rushed to Y/N's side.

"Y/N, are you ok?"  His mother Taiga asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm good.  How is everyone else?"  Y/N asked, causing a few more familiar and unfamiliar faces to arrive, which consisted of Endeavor, All Might, Nezu, Kira Ackerman and Asano Arlert.

"You killed 23 people and injured 15 others with one of your attacks.  No other charges were put against you, but I think 23 murder charges is enough for someone of your age."  Kira Ackerman said bluntly, entering the room.

"Kira!  You need to break these things delicately when speaking to a kid!"  Asano Arlert shouted in an angered tone.

"I don't know how to talk to kids!"  Kira shouted back.

"B-But I wasn't in control, it's not my fault!"  Y/N said in a panicking tone.

"Y/N, calm down, it's alright.  We'll explain everything in detail to the courts so that they understand your stand in all of this, and the top heroes and UA will back you up."  Sky comforted his son.

"If it makes you feel any better, when you transformed, you threw that Green haired boy out of bounds, so you're the winner of this year's Sports Festival by technicality."  Endeavor tried to comfort, getting a small chuckle from Y/N.

"When will the trial take place?"  Y/N asked the group in a tired tone.

"They said to give you a week to prepare after you wake up."  Nezu said, looking at his young student in guilt.

Y/N looked up to the ceiling, closed his eyes, and let out a sigh.

"Let's get this over with."  Y/N said in the same tired tone.

--1 Week Later--

And so, after a week of preparation, the trial had come upon them.  There were two sides of the court room, the defense and the prosecution.  Rooting for Y/N's innocence were multiple people, mostly being family friends, but friends who had an impact.  These people were All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, Nezu, members of Endeavor, All Might, Sky and Taiga's agencies, Izuku, Inko, Iida, Uraraka, Mei, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Monoma, Yolamir, their families, and other students from a few of the classes that Monoma convinced them to see Y/N in a good light.  And on the side of those who rooted for his arrest and imprisonment were the rest of Class 1A, some small-time heroes, A LOT of civilians who were affected in the attacks

"Order in the court room!"  The Judge called out to the people in attendance of Y/N's trial, who were speaking amongst themselves.

"Now then, let us skip to the topic at hand.  Y/N Shimura L/N.  UA's first year Class 1A Hero Course student, son of The Number 21 ranked Hero, Gentleman Ghost, Sky L/N and the Number 2 Ranked Hero, Sentinel, Taiga Shimura L/N.  You are in this court room today having been charged with unlicensed and uncleared use of your quirk in a public area, destruction of multiple properties, the hospitalization of multiple heroes and civilians, and the murder of 23 civilians.  How do you plead?"  The Judge asked Y/N, who stood up in front of the court.

"Innocent."  Y/N said to the Judge.

"Are you aware that there were multiple eyewitnesses during the event?"  The Judge asked Y/N.

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