Chapter 6- Moron with a capital 'M'

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Chapter 6: Moron with a capital 'M'

"Let's go to my place. You cannot go home like that," Sarah said.

"O...ok," I hiccupped.

From the mall we went to Sarah's house. Her house is a double storey house. We quickly entered her house and went to her room. She's the only child and both her parents are working so the house is empty most of the time.

As soon as we reached Sarah's place, I was still not able to open my mouth. If I tried to speak, only tears came. Nothing else.

All of us sat on the bed while Sarah handed me a box of chocolate ice- cream.

Jessica and Sarah were trying their level best to calm me but after seeing that I don't think that I'll calm down anytime soon.

I need a closure. I need to talk with him and get this thing out of my head, otherwise it will always prick me for the rest of my life.

I gave my 100% in this relationship. I did every possible thing to keep us together. I fought with my dad for that idiot and what did I get in return?

More tears started spilling from my eyes. To be very frank I was sick and tired from this daily drama. I just want my senior year to be peaceful. Is it too much to ask?

"I'm going to kill him," Jessica muttered under her breath. She thought that I didn't hear what she said but I did.

"How are you feeling?" Sarah asked

"Better," I replied.

"I think you have the right to know," Jessica suddenly blurted.

"What?" I asked.

Her eyes went wide. She looked like a dear caught in head lights.

"It's about Alex," she said in a low voice, fumbling with the hem of her shorts.

"What about Alex?" I asked. Even that day when I told Brandon and Jessica that Alex is my ex- boyfriend, their reactions were pretty shocking.

"Alex and I used to date in the sophomore year," she said softly.

"What?" I shout.

"Yes. We dated till the junior year but then in the middle of the year itself, we broke up. That douche bag cheated on me," Jessica said bitterly.

"He even cheated on you... Wait! You broke up with him in the middle of junior year but he was seeing me since the very beginning. He proposed me after 2-3 months. Does that mean..." I trailed off.

"Yes Sophia he cheated on me with you." Jessica said.

"What the hell!" Sarah and I screamed at the same time.

That idiot told me that he's single. How can he do this to me? How can he do this to Jessica? No wonder she and Brandon were pretty surprised to hear it,

all of this means that my relationship with him was a lie. It was all a lie. I was nothing put a piece of cake with which he loved to play. Tears started spilling from my eyes like freaking Niagra falls. It was too much to take in. Way too much.

"What e...exactly happened?" I stuttered.

"Alex claimed that he had a crush on me since middle school which was obviously a lie. I was pretty naive back then so I naturally fell for it. He was very charming and he had his way with words. He had that magnetic aura surrounding him which naturally pulls you you towards him," she said.

"You know what? I was pretty broken when he cheated on me," she muttered.

"I... I'm so sorry! He said that he's single and..." I was apologizing but she quickly cut me off.

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