Chapter 5- Jersey and Shopping

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Chapter 5- Jersey and Shopping.

It's strange that just a week ago my life was different. I would come to school with my one and only best friend Sarah, camouflage in the crowds and leave. Not that I mind cause I love her to death.

As soon as Brandon came into the picture, things changed. I went through a lot of drama which could be sufficient for my entire life.

I feel someone tapping on my shoulder.

I'm currently sitting on the lunch table along with the whole group. Over the week I've become good friends with them. Currently, Jessica is describing the drunken Brandon.

"Oh god! Sophia you should see drunk Brandon. He's quite a sight," she laughed, recollecting the memories of his drunk self.

Judging by the look on Brandon's face, he was not enjoying this situation.

"You mean the part where he puked all over a girl's chest or the part where he decided to tie a white, floral bed sheet around his neck like a cape and pretend to be a stripping superman," Ryan chuckled.

"You puked on a girl's chest? And what is stripping superman?" I asked him, sounding pretty amused.

"I'll tell you," Ryan said. "According to him plain superman would be a bit mainstream so he decided to whiz around in a cape and one by one discard every piece of his clothing whilst flying in sky."

"You should've seen him. Man! You missed it," Kevin added.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Brandon grumbled. "I'm going to get a coke anyone wants anything?"

"Please get me a floral bed sheet," Jessica smirked.

"Ugh! Forget it," he said. He was acting like a kid, it was way too amusing watching him behaving like that.

Brandon got his coke. We chatted and made fun of each other for some time and the bell rang, indicating the end of the lunch. All of made our way to the classes. Kevin has a class with me. So we walked to the class together.

"Is Sarah okay?" Kevin asked with worry etched on his face.

"Yeah, I paid her a visit yesterday, " I said.

Sarah has been sick since 2 days because of the climatic changes. I don't think she'll be able to attend the party after a few days. Let's hope for the best.

"I hope she gets well soon," Kevin said.

We made our way to the class and sat on the table.

Unfortunately, I shared this class with Hannah as well. I don't know what kind of problem that girl has with me. I've never did anything wrong to her, she got the punishment because she totally deserved it after what she did.

So what was my fault?

Whenever she comes across me or if I sometime look in her direction, she always gives me a stink eye.

Hell with her. I'm not going to waste my time thinking about her and spoil my mood along with it. Let her look the way she wants to, it's not like I give a damn about her anyway.


The school got over and I made my way to the parking lot. I finally got my Honda City back. Now I won't have to beg my either of the parent or my friends to drop me. Oh how much I missed my car.

As soon as I unlocked the car, Jessica came up to me. Ryan had an arm wrapped around her waist and he was whispering stuff in her ear making her giggle. Awww! They're such a cute couple.

She quickly kissed Ryan and he left.

"Hey Phia," Jessica greeted.

"Hey. Jess you're so lucky to have a guy like Ryan," I squealed.

Falling for the PlayboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon