Chapter 3- Aftershocks of an eventful day

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Chapter 3- Aftershocks of an eventful day

"Who asked you to walk all the way honey, you could've let me pick you up from the school. At least you wouldn't have ended up like that." she said softly.

"Aaaa chooo," I sneezed for what felt like an 'nth' time. My gaze landed on a mini bin placed at a corner of my room. It was filled to the brim with my snot covered tissues. My head currently felt like someone was hitting it repeadly with a cricket bat and my throbbing wrist was not helping the situation all. So in short I was a mess. Thank god that it's a weekend.

"Mom!" I whined "I thought tha... aaa-chooo... that I'll manage. Guess... aaa-choo I was wrong." I somehow managed to say

She handed me a Paracetamol along with a glass of water and a huge glass of freshly squeezed OJ. My favorite.

"Thanks Mom," I smiled.

"No problem," she said. "I had a nice chat with Hannah mother," she added.

"Oh. What did she say?" I was kinda curious about it.

"She simply apologized and stuff like that," she said

"Oook..." I drawled

"Now take your medicine and go to sleep," she instructed me.

I nodded and she quickly left, closing the door behind her. I took my medicine and drank my juice and few minutes later I was asleep.

After an hour I heard two soft knocks on my door

"Sophia, your friend wants to talk with you." It must be Sarah because she texted me yesterday that she'll be coming to check on me.

"Let her in." Wait a minute Sarah never asked my mom to knock the door. In fact she herself never did that, she simply barges in my room.

"Sure," my mom said and after a minute the door creaked open and revealed a concerned Brandon. I didn't even bother to ask him to sit or water or anything else. Instead I was busy glaring at him with my arms crossed on my chest. He quickly made himself comfortable by sitting on the edge of my bed, but his body was tense.

"Hey Sophie... uh... how are you?" He asked glancing at my wrist worriedly. Was he actually worried or was he simply pretending? Well if he was pretending then I must admit that he's pretty good at it.

"Fine," I replied.

"What about your wrist?" He tried again.


He sighed. I know that it's not entirely his fault but it happened because of him...

"You know I said that I'll make it up to you?"

I, of course being my usual stubborn self refused to answer him rather I just stared at him with a blank look on my face.

"I'm inviting you to a party which is after the big game next week," he declared."You can bring your friend along with you," he added later on.

"I'm not coming," I quickly replied

"Why not?"

"I've never been to a party," I blurted

His eyes went wide and his jaw was comfortably resting on my bed, my hand quickly flew to my mouth but the damage was already done.

"What?" He asked me incredulously. "You've never been to a high school party? Are you kidding me?"

My silence gave him the answer that he was looking for. He quickly composed himself and an annoying smirk made its way on his lips.

"Awww! My wittle goody two shoes have never been to a high school party," he cooed pinching my cheeks, I slapped his hand away and he burst into a loud roar of laughter. I was turning crimson which was not helping at all instead, he started laughing even harder. Why on earth did I open my mouth?

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