Chp.13 Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.3

Start from the beginning

Trunks: Sup.

Vegeta: As you see, he's almost as strong as I am. Then again, unlike you, he's half me.

SeP.Cell: Wh-What?!

Vegeta: Course the other half is his mother, I mean look at his hair. Looking like a fruit...

Trunk: Hey-

Vegeta: Literally you look like a walking fruit.

Trunks: ...

Vegeta: ...Eggplant!

SeP.Cell: Damn it!!!! I want to be perfect! I want to! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna-

Vegeta lands a brutal kick, slamming Cell to the ground...

Vegeta: Good, I've broken both your body and spirit, time to die.

SeP.Cell gets up from the ground...

SeP.Cell: If only you'd showed up a minute later, and In would have 18, and would achieve my perfect form, and no one would stop me!

Vegeta: ...Oh really? *grins*

Trunks: No...

SeP.Cell: Heh, Vegeta...I would've destroyed you within a second thought.

Trunks: Nooo...!

Vegeta: ...Go on.

Trunks: Nooooo...!

Back with Krillin...he then sneaks up to the androids, and to stay within 10 meters away from them so he can use the detonator on them...especially 18...

Krillin Mind: Okay krillin! Pull yourself together , she's right over there, standing like...a mechanical angel...and all I gotta press this button...and watch...her explode...everywhere...of her blonde hair, her blue eyes...I mean...she won't be able to remember about it, not even her life, knowing it'll be an me...with no dragon balls to wish her back when Cell dies...

Krillin was inches away to press the button...but couldn't...knowing that seeing 18 was the first ever female person that he's ever felt something for her...

Krillin: *Oh come on Krillin! Be strong for one damn second in your worthless life and push the dumb button! If you don't, everyone you know will die, including her! * ...O-Oh...

Krillin now realizes...that he likes her...and knowing why he won't do it....and drop the detonator....
Back with Cell and Vegeta...

SeP.Cell: You see Vegeta, this is only my Semi-Perfect form merely.

Vegeta: How can you be semi-perfect? You're either perfect or you're not me, there's no gray area.

SeP.Cell: My point, is that I achieved this form my absorbing my brother 17, and the only way to obtain my true, powerful and perfect form...

Vegeta: Is to absorb the blonde bitch. So in summation, you get that android, and I get a proper challenge.

SeP.Cell: Oh I promise you're gonna get EVERYTHING that's coming for you.

Back with 18 and 16...

A.18: H-He wouldn't!? Why the hell is he letting that monster trying to come after me!?

Krillin: Hey!

18 and 16 notice Krillin....

A.18: *Oh it's the cute one, was he hiding there? Say what's under-* Oh my god...the detonator....Uh...hey there...

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