Chapter 2: The Road to Viridian City

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Dustin and Ash, we're now on their way to Viridian City, where they plan to make a stop there for the night. Eumpuress was following close to Dustin, now walking instead of riding on his shoulder or head.

But instead of following, Pikachu was being dragged by Ash, much to his refusal and annoyance. Dustin frowned, seeing how Ash was treating Pikachu."Tell me, Ash is this the right way to treat Pikachu?" He asked seriously.

The younger boy frowned before he turned to his Electric-type Pokemon partner."Pikachu, are you going to be like this the whole time?" Ash asked, hoping that Pikachu would give him a chance.

Pikachu only turned his head and scoffed.

Dustin looked at Ash briefly before Ash knelt down to the Electric Mouse level.

"Is it because you don't like me?" Ash asked him.

"Pika, Pika." Pikachu nodded in confirmation.

"Well, I like you a lot! And since you're my Pokemon, don't you think you could be a little nicer to me and just open your mouth and tell me what's wrong?" Ash asked.

At that comment, Pikachu opened his mouth wide.

"Uh, that's not exactly what he meant, Pikachu," Dustin stated.

"Meow.." Eumpuress said with a frown on her face.

"So, your name the only thing you can say?" Ash questioned Pikachu further, earning a nod in response.

"Well then, you're just like all Pokemon, and you should act like one and get inside of the Pokeball, just like it says in the Pokedex," Ash told him before he turned the device on.

[While being trained, a Pokemon usually stays inside its Pokeball.]

"See?" Asha asked, showing the image to his partner Pokemon.

"....Well, they're actually a few exceptions, Ash, my friend," Dustin stated, opening up his Pokedex.

[However, there are many expectations. Some Pokemon hate being confined.] Dustin's Pokedex explained, making the Electric Mouse pokemon smile in satisfaction to see that one of the boys's understood his feelings.

"Okay then! This ought to make things better!" Ash smiled, untying the clothesline to give his partner a bit more freedom to move around.

"And I'll also get rid of these, too!"

Like the clothesline, the rubber gloves were taken off and put aside... though I wasn't sure that was the safest way to go at it, since with the gloves gone, Pikachu could shock him whenever he wanted now.

"How's that? Ash asked, pointing a finger at Pikachu as he attempted to make a friendly gesture. However...

"Pi!" Pikachu turned away once again, making it clear that he didn't accept the sign of friendship that my brother was offering to him.

"Still not good enough?"

"Pika, Pi!"

Dustin sighed while Eumpuress frowned, unsure how to help make Pikachu cooperate with Ash.

Just as Dustin was about to come up with an idea to get through to Pikachu, a chirp and little footsteps were heard, causing the two boys to see a familiar small bird Pokemon not too far away from them.

"Dustin... isn't that?"Ash started.

"Yes, Ash, that is a wild Pidgey," Dustin answered. Ash took out his Pokedex and scanned it.

Dustin did the same as well, scanning the little Flying Type.

[Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Among all the Flying Pokemon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokemon Trainer to test his Pokemon skills.] Ash's Pokédex buzzed.

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