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Walking side by side, the father-daughter duo made their way to the garage, where they found the driver waiting for them beside the car.

When they came to the car, the door was opened by the driver, who assisted Asami into the car; but before getting in the car, Hiroshi glanced at the driver, catching his attention.

"Be cautious when placing this in the trunk," Hiroshi warned as he pointed at the box that was on top of the tool table. " There's something extremely important in there."

With a nod of his head, the driver went to the tool table and picked up the midsize placing it in the truck; Closing the trunk, the driver came around the car, unlocked the driver's door, and started the car to start driving.

Pressing the button on the small remote he had in his hand, the garage door opened allowing him to take off the mansion.


On the way to the park, Asami enjoyed the view of the passing streets. Looking away from the window; Asami looked at her father and noticed that he had a vanilla-colored document in his hands, reading the articles that were there. Tilting her head a little to get a better look at what was there, she saw a sketch of a glove quickly before her father suddenly closed the document. Acting fast, she turned her head towards the window once more, as if nothing had happened.

'She wasn't very subtle...' Hiroshi thought after catching his daughter trying to sneak a peek at what was on his document. Cleaning up his glasses, with a low chuckle, he turned his face to the window looking at the passing cars.

Arriving at her destination while the driver was looking for a place to park, Asami came across a head with white hair that stood out in the distance. Eager to go play with her new friend, as soon as the car stopped, Asami was already with her hand on the car door ready to get out but she was stopped by her father's voice.

"Asami don't go too far, alright? Be careful where you walk." Hiroshi was fixing a strand of hair that had fallen out of place on his daughter's head.

"I'll be careful, Dad! Don't worry." With a firm nod, Asami got out of the car and headed toward where her friend was.


"Do you think the kittens are still where we left them?" Sora asked the younger boy who was beside her as she walked with her hands in the pockets of her shorts.

"They're still very small, Sora. There's no way they can get out of where they are." The little boy kicked a few rocks he found on the sidewalk. " Besides, we hid the box where they are among the bushes."

"Humm... You're right." Sora said with a frown. "Mrs. Ling was so generous to give us this canned food and buns." Withdrawing a hand from her pocket, she touched the handle of the bag that was wrapped around her torso.

"She's one of the nicest people I've ever met." Said the boy tilting his head up to look at the birds that passed by. " And her beef stew is the best in the world! It makes my mouth water just thinking about it." He sighed longingly as he remembered how delicious the food was.

"Ah... Don't remind me how delicious Mrs. Ling's food is." Sora said with a grunt as she brought a hand to her belly. "I'll be hungry again."

Removing his gaze from the birds, the boy directed his gaze to the front of him, where he found a girl coming toward them, causing him to stop in his place. Sora noticed that her friend had stopped walking abruptly.

"Huh? Why did you sto-" a new voice interrupted her.

"Sora. Hi!" Sora could recognize the voice that had greeted her. 'That voice belonged to that girl. What was her name again? Salami...? Asaki...? Asami...? Yes! It's Asami!' she thought as she took her gaze from her friend to look at the girl.

𝘞𝘢𝘳 𝘖𝘧 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 / 𝘈𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰Where stories live. Discover now