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Sora was running.

The harsh wind of that winter morning was blowing against her face making the hairs on her body stand on end. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. A small sheen of sweat covered the nape of her neck. She felt her whole body working; the muscles in her legs were warm, cool air rushed into her lungs and blood flowed through all her limbs.

"Stop there!"

"Someone stop that thief!"

She ignored the screams of the two men running after her. Keeping her breathing steady, Sora ignored the discomfort the cold wind caused in her airway and forced her legs to go faster. But as luck was not on her side; she ended up slipping on a small mound of snow that was in her way, which led her to collide her body against that of a lady who was passing by.

"Look where you're going!" Shouted the lady when Sora's body collided with hers, causing the girl to fall to the ground and her bag ended up far from her.

"A thousand apologies, ma'am!" Sora apologized in between gasps of air. Getting up off the ground fast, she picked up her bag from the ground and once again broke into a run.

Glancing over her shoulder, she could see how close the men were, which caused a curse to drop from her mouth and she slowed her speed when an idea popped into her mind. Stopping running, she turned her body and closed her fist, slamming it against the ground, creating a fissure that went towards the two men, making them lose the balance of their bodies. Laughing lightly, Sora turned to continue on her way when a hand stopped her with a grip on her forearm.

Directing her eyes to the hand closed around her forearm, Sora looked at the hand's owner and she let out a curse word in her mind when her eyes met those of the third man chasing her.

"Of course, there's a third brother," Sora mumbled while rolling her eyes, but winced when her forearm was gripped with force.

"Now I've got you, you little thief." The man said through clenched teeth as he squeezed her arm tighter, which made the white-hated girl let out a small grunt. "I believe you have something that belongs to us." Then he forcibly led her to a secluded alley with his two brothers behind him and pushed Sora to the ground.

The brothers formed a semicircle, surrounding her.

"How about we teach this thief why she shouldn't rob us?" Thing one asked his brothers while cracking his fingers.

"Guys, come on... she's just a kid!" Thing two said in an apprehensive tone. He didn't want to hurt a little kid.

"Shut up! She robs us! Now she's facing the consequences!" Thing three shouted at his younger brother, making him flinch and stay quiet.

"I agree with your brother. How about... we calm down first, uhm?" Sora let out a nervous laugh while lifting her body off the ground for the second time as she slowly backed away—trying to increase the distance between them— until her back hit the wall. "It wouldn't be a fair fight, don't you think?"

"What was that thief? Are you scared?" Thing one teased her with a smirk. "You should be. Because no one steals from us and gets away with it!"

"Look... I'm sorry..."Sora spoke calmly, taking the stamp of her bag off of her shoulder and setting it down on the ground.

"You should apologize—!" Suddenly a fist punched him and he sprawled on the ground.

"Who do you think you are—!"A foot tripped the second brother and a kick came down on his stomach, robbing him of air and sending him into a wall.

"Sorry but, I don't have time for conversations," Sora informed, but as she turned to attack the third brother, a fist slammed into her face with force, causing her vision to be momentarily blurry.

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