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     The sun was already high in Republic City. Birds flying over people. The population is ready for another new day. Stores to be opened. The noise of cars passing through the city streets. The Republic City Police Department Zeppelins were flying over different areas of the city making their daily rounds through the city streets.

     In Republic City Park, it was possible to see merchants organizing their stands on one side, and on the other side, in the center of the park, there stood a protester, next to a large sign with the image of a masked person stamped on the right side. And above it was written 'The Equalist' in big letters. At his side, he had a partner handing out flyers.

      Switching on the megaphone, the man cleared his throat and started to speak.

     ''Citizens of Republic City! We live in an unfair society! Where those who can bend any of the four elements, oppress those who haven't been privileged with any kind of skill! Is this what we want for our society?''

      The small crowd that was there grew bigger and bigger because of the citizens who walked and stopped to pay attention to what the man had to say. And each time the man spoke, the crowd agreed with what was being told. To the point where everyone was screaming.

     ''We want equality!'' yelled a short, bald man. ''We want justice!'' yelled a woman of medium height.

     Grinning, the man looked at the entire crowd and spoke again through his megaphone.

    ''It's because of this bad government! The cause of our injustice is the bad government this city has! Amon would not let that happen! He is the one who should be our leader!'' Taking a deep breath, the man looked at the many faces that were there. Clearing his throat again, he finally said. ''Join him and only then will we accomplish our freedom! Our justice! Our equality!'' With a final shout, the man, panting, heard the eruption of applauses from the crowd.

      ''AMON!! AMON!! AMON!!'' This was what could only be heard from the crowd.


       A little further away, it was possible to hear the relaxing sound of the river water flowing. If you paid close attention, you could see the fish jumping out of the water, and then going back into the river.

        Republic City Park is famous for hosting a lot of homeless people. So, it wasn't a surprise when they were found by the river, in bushes, or even in garbage dumps to find something. Be it clothes, food, or blankets to cover themselves on the coldest nights.

       Most of them lived under the big bridge that was there. During the day, a small part of the group would go to the edge of the river, to fish with their fishing rods made of sticks and line. Others were enjoying a nice rest under the shade of the trees that were there. And in the evening they light some fires, which they put in containers to warm their cold bodies. And with the few cans of beans they could find that day, they managed to survive another day.

       However, on the other side of the bridge, near
a large tree, two silhouettes, one big and one smaller, seemed to be chatting, sitting on the grass, appreciating the wind that passed between the leaves of the tree.

      The father-daughter duo, Hikari and Sora, were sitting opposite each other. Hikari, rubbing Sora's head, said to her.

    '' To be able to bend the earth, you need to have a good balance of strength and a good defense to be able to protect yourself against whoever hurts you.''

    Running her hand through her ashy-white hair to straighten it, Sora asked her father. ''How do I do that?'' Leaning her head to the side and with curious eyes, Sora asked her father while crossing her arms. Asking her father again. ''How can I protect myself if I'm so short, Dad?''

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