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Hikari no longer knew what to do. It was always the same. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were before. But he learned that in life we don't always get what we want. And that night, his limit came to an end.

"I don't understand! What did I do to be treated this way? Tell me!" Hikari shouted in whispers, looking at the woman with black hair and tanned skin who sat on the other side of their small table while running a hand through the white strands of his hair to try to calm his nerves. Hikari felt like he was about to explode. He wanted to scream at the woman across from him – oh how he wanted to – but he didn't allow himself to. He never yelled at her. And this wasn't where he was going to start yelling at her. Besides, he didn't want to wake his daughter with his screams.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you didn't do anything?" Liang replied in an indifferent tone, vibrant green eyes stared at him with a slight coldness in their gaze. Inside, she ached for treating him like that. But she had no choice.

"Then why are you treating me like that, with such coldness?" Hikari asked, knitting his eyebrows together he faced his girlfriend with a confused face. Deep blue eyes mirrored the hurt and sadness he felt.

Liang could feel her heart breaking in half when she noticed the hurt tone that Hikari's voice carried. It wasn't her intention to hurt the man she loved. But she had no choice. As much as it broke her insides, she was doing it to protect them from her aunt. Then, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, Liang uttered the words that shattered completely Hikari's heart.

"I don't love you anymore." Liar. "I fell in love with someone else. For someone who gives me attention and affection." Liar.


An agonized silence settled over the small compartment. Hikari was never one of the few words. He liked to say whatever came into his mind – which often got him into trouble. But seeing him so silent was something frightening for Liang.

Hikari seemed to be bewildered. Blinking his eyes several times, as if he didn't believe what he just heard. This could only be a joke. That's what passed over his mind. A bad joke. But when he saw how serious Liang was, his face lost all its color.

Hikari did nothing but nod his head. Once again he ran his hand through the strands of his hair, but this time to hide how shaky his hands were. Removing his hand from his hair, he felt a sting in his eyes, making him blink his eyes quickly to prevent the tears that formed in his eyes from falling.

"Affection...? Attention," Hikari asked in a shaky voice, not looking into the eyes of the woman he loved. He knew if he looked into her eyes he would start crying right then and there. " I know I've paid little attention to you. And that... and that I have often come home late... but that is no reason for you to say that you don't love me anymore! I'm doing the possible and impossible to put food on our table. I'm making ways for our daughter to get better from this damn disease!" Hikari's voice started to rise every time the words came out of his mouth.

"Tell me... does this have to do with that wealthy man who was here? Asking for you?"Hikari looked up to stare at the dark-haired woman, his dark blue eyes no longer staring at her with their usual sparkle.

Liang's breath caught in her throat from what she had just heard. A surprised expression was stamped on her face. She couldn't believe the lengths her aunt had gone to by sending one of her royal messengers. As usual, her aunt wanted everything her way.

"Yes. He is the man I fell in love with." Liang firmly replied as she tried to control her tears when she saw the blue eyes she adored so much staring at her with so much hurt and sadness.

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