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Ly finished up with Coheeds circuits and patted his metal back softly "ok your all fixed up also I gave you hands fingers that aren't claws." Ly said to Coheed softly smiling at him,Coheed just stared him not trusting him, "oh—uh ok well cya."Ly said awkwardly as Coheed exited the room.  "Oh hey Coheed I forgot to tell you that your sharing a room with me!" Kid excitedly said with a wide smile on his face but Coheed stayed quite and followed kid to his room, Coheed looked around the room and sat on one of the beds that was on left "make yourself at home I'm going to get Candy!" Kid said closing the door behind him, Coheed looked at the floor as he sat on the bed "what if they are just like the others? Lightblade? Faint? Zero? Taylor?.." he mumbled to himself as the spirit of his friends talk badly of him he shook his head trying to sound out their horrible words. Then 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑘 "hey sorry to intrude but I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong foot, I'm Adam." Adam said holding out his hand towards Coheed, Cohered shook Adams hand saying that it was ok. He was great full that someone finally silenced the horrid voices,he stood up exiting the room ready to meet the others. As everyone else came back L.G. introduced Coheed to everyone,it was as if Coheed found his group at last no more running no more hiding, no abandonment from others he found peace at last and he also found friends.

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