Chapter 5:Sometimes is better to have parents that care

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Theresa was, as any mother, giving their kids their lunches for school. Sandwich with tuna for Justin. Sandwich without crust for Max. And money in a bag for Alex.

Kumagawa was also there at a table waiting for his girlfriend. He had a box of donuts for school.

Theresa:Honey, it's pretty cold outside. You're sure you don't need a jacket?

Alex:Oh, good point. Stop all the racket, I'll wear a jacket!

As those words left her mouth light glew and a white jacket appeared on her. Jerry pointed at her when she smiled satisfied.



Jerry:No, no "Heeeeey!". I say "Hey!"!

Theresa:Honey, you know what we think about overuse of magic.

Alex:...It's just a jacket.

Theresa:Oh, yeah...Toady's just a jacket. How much until you make a computer appear at your math test?

Jerry:First is cheating on math. Then you're cheating at everything. And then you're ending up in jail!

Kumagawa:[You know I could just...]

Jerry:Yeah, but that's not the point. Now go upstairs, taje the jacket off, come back down and...Put it back on!

Alex:Okay, everything to not go to jail...

Alex went to the stairs back to her room. Meanwhile, Theresa noticed tge box Max was holding.

Theresa:Maxie, what's that?

Max:Oh, it's my project! It's about Mars.

Theresa:...But it's just sand.

Max:Well, it's a very barren planet.

Justin:Do you even know what barren means.


Kumagawa:[Well, it's a part of ot at least.]

Justin:Come on, let's get your project until a cat founds it.

Justin took the box and ran outside with Max. After a while Alex came back with the jacket in her hand.

Alex:Now I'm gonna be late. Write me a note.


Alex:Dear Principal, Alex was late because her father is a meanie and doesn't let her use magic.

Jerry began writting the first words, but after the first words left her mouth he stopped and frowned at her. Alex promptly avoided his gaze.

Alex:Okay, I'll run to school...

Kumagawa and Alex left tge restaurant and were gonna walk the street. However, they saw a boy from their school also walking there.

Alex:Look, it's T.J.

The boy had black curly hair and brown eyes. He's very unpopular at school, mainly because of his catchphrase which...Doesn't really make any sense. His name was T.J. Taylor.

He tripped and was gonna fall, but began floating in the air and then got back on his feet. He looked around to check if anyone saw him after he teleported away in a flash of light.


Kumagawa:[Now call me paranoid, but I think he's a wizard.]

Alex:...Yeah, me too.

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