An interesting question. Maybe all was not lost. "Well, of course. I can form a living, breathing wolf out of my mind. And you're the only one that knows about it."

"There you go, then."

"You're the one who told me to keep it a secret though."

"How easy do you think it would be to tell?" He looked at me, shook his head and turned away again. "Do you just blurt it out to Flora while you're having tea? How would your father react if he knew?"

"I don't know. But if I thought telling them might help protect them for some reason—if their lives depended on that truth, then I'd spill everything. I'd shout this secret to the world if I thought it would do any good."

"Maybe you're a braver person than me then."

I frowned. As much as Alek aggravated me, I wasn't sure that was true. There was a reason he was helping me, at great risk to himself. And then there was the matter of the sixteen-year-old laboratory form that I had folded in my pocket—the one I'd stolen from the archives when he wasn't looking.

I still hadn't told him everything about that form.

"We need to go back," Alek said.

"Go back where?"

"To the archives."

"You've gotta be joking. They'll be watching it, waiting for us."

"We barely scratched the surface, Verity. There are answers there. I need to find them."

"We'll find another way. You must know someone we can ask questions of. Or another location? Maybe we—"

He hopped up. "I'm going to take you home."


"You're right. It's dangerous to go back there."

"Finally, you're thinking clearly."

"So, I'm going to go alone." He held a hand out to me. "I'll tell you what I find."

I let him pull me up. He released his grip, but I held on. The breeze seemed to part for us, as though our two bodies in proximity was a more powerful force than the wind. "This isn't a good idea, Alek."

He moved his thumb back and forth across the top of my hand. I could barely feel my legs. At any moment, I would buckle and collapse into him.

"You do deserve the truth, Verity. That's why I brought you to the archive. But you need to know—the truth will change everything. And it kills me to think about it."

His hand began to shake. Uncertain where this fear had sprung from, I pressed myself to him. He sighed, resting his head on the top of mine. We had never allowed each other this closeness. The connection felt as if an enchantment had been cast over us.

"You've been honest with me," he said. "You deserve the same."

The intake form sat like an anchor in my pocket, it's truth threatening to plummet me to the bottom of the ocean. I had not been honest with him. Not completely. Keeping what I knew was a choice, and maybe not the most moral one.

I could have just told him right then and there when I'd read the purpose of that form—the reason five-year-old me and six-year-old Alek were brought with my mother into that lab. We weren't there because we had a virus or needed any sort of medical treatment. No. The form had been quite clear. Our names, our ages, and our status: Noble Plan test subjects. Both of us.

"What?" he pulled away from me. "What did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes, you did. You said both of us were test subjects. Noble Plan test subjects."

I stumbled back.

This can't be.

"But it is," he said.

My legs began to shake so violently, it felt as though I would collapse and die right on the spot.

Or release my wolf.

Not wanting to do either, I instead did what I did best.

I ran.


Author's Note: A couple of big reveals in this chapter. First, what is the Noble Plan Experiment and why were both Verity and Alek involved in it?

And then, perhaps the biggest reveal: Alek heard Verity's thoughts... WHAT?  What is happening?

We are almost at the story's midpoint, so expect a LOT to happen in the upcoming chapters! Thank you for sticking with this story!

We are almost at the story's midpoint, so expect a LOT to happen in the upcoming chapters! Thank you for sticking with this story!

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