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Dear diary no that sounds dumb and cliché. Dear rose? Nope giving this book a name is weird. Redo I’ll just start with a dear anything… yea that sounds good.

Dr. Brown said writing in a diary would help soo here goes nothing.

It is now Sunday. Last week was Mom & Dad's funeral. A week before that they were in their car on their way to some meeting about cutting down more trees to make room to build fancy new homes that no one can afford. They never made it to the meeting. I was home alone blasting music while my TV showed a lady do a speech about how the wolves everyone is so desperately trying to kill should be saved instead. My parents call them tree huggers. They would laugh in their graves.

Anyways its Sunday and I start my first day at my new school. You see my parents moved us out here because of work. We use to live in the city. At least I wasn't alone out here, luckily my uncle lives out here as a lumber jack. So I didn’t have to go into the system… go me.
Uncle Jake was always my favorite family member he always told the best stories. It’s a little awkward since we haven’t seen each other in  10yrs. I don’t even know if he know my 16th birthday is Friday. I hope not I’m not in the celebrating mood.

That’s all til tomorrow I need to finish packing and move all my stuff into Jake's place. I told him I didn’t want to live in the fancy house my parents died building. He didn’t ask question. I appreciated that.

Yesterday was my last day with my therapist. He was moving away. I have the option to pick a new one or not. This diary is my new therapist. I guess he was right, writing in this does help.

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