Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!

Start from the beginning

"I've never done horseback riding before!" I shouted as Amuro guided the horse through the streets.

"Just hang on tight!" Amuro replied, trying to speak through the wind.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" I asked as Amuro thrust the reins in my hands. I fumbled with the reins but held on as tight as I could.

"There's people videotaping this, and I can't be seen." he explained and ducked, hanging from the other side of the horse. As we caught up to the thief, Amuro retook the reins and borrowed (grabbed) a hose from a bystander, looping it around the thief.

"This has got to be the craziest thing I've ever done." I shook my head as Amuro caught the thief. My heart was still beating fast from that high speed chase.

"I had to end it quickly or we would have stood out too much." Amuro agreed.

We eventually made it back to Poirot Cafe, where Azusa did not seem too pleased that we took so long to return with the groceries.


Taka'aki POV

"There's no mistake. That's Bourbon in the video." Hyoue watched the security camera after a traffic incident was reported. "I must admit, using a horse to catch the thief was ingenious." After all these years... I found you, Rei Furuya.

"The explosion on the Mystery Train was no coincidence then. The Organization was certainly after Sherry." I concluded.

"If Bourbon is as careful as you described, it would be difficult to investigate him." Hyoue remarked.

"Then we investigate those close to him." I proposed, zooming in on the girl with Bourbon in the security feed.


Kaiya POV

(the next day)

"Eh Sonoko? You want to learn tennis?" I held the phone to my ear while walking on the sidewalks.

"Yes, Makoto sent me a photo of him playing tennis, and I must learn!" Sonoko insisted. "So please help me find a good tennis teacher!" she asked.

"Well I could try to teach you but I'm not that good. I thought you were on the tennis team though?" I blinked.

"Ah never mind that, I just have to hone my skills so that I can play with Makoto! He asked me on a tennis date!" she said dreamily. Oh Sonoko...

No sooner did I hang up did someone crash into me, causing me to drop my phone.

"Are you alright, miss?" a voice asked me and handed me my phone.

I nodded and inspected my phone. "Oh, thank goodness the screen isn't cracked." I then looked up to see a man with black hair and a thin black mustache.

"Have we met before...?" I trailed off. He looks so familiar.

"I don't believe we have. I'm Taka'aki Morofushi." he replied and my eyes widened.


"Amuro-san. I'm here to walk Haro!" I knocked on his door. "Oof!" I grunted as Haro jumped on me playfully when the door opened. "Hi Haro! Aww who's a good boy?" I ruffled his hair.

"You look like you saw a ghost from the past." Amuro noted.

"Not exactly..." I replied. "I just bumped into a familiar face, but I don't think he's dangerous... at least not from the Organization." I mumbled to myself.

Amuro narrowed his eyes but quickly regained his poker face. "Should I be concerned how you got that information?"

"We all have secrets." I brushed it off before my phone rang. "Sonoko, you want me to go tennis racket shopping with you? I can't hear you very well." I had to speak over the static of the phone.

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