"Un souhait est une promesse qui sera remplie."

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The night was beautiful. Tomoe just finished taking a hot bath and changed into her pajamas. While taking a hot bath, she is trying to move on the incident with Sayo during the practice today, but it was so hard to forget. Now, she just arrived at the living room where Ako, her sister was waiting for her to watch movies.
Tomoe: Ako, sorry for the wait. It took longer than I expected.

Ako: Don't worry about it onee-chan! The movie is ready and also the popcorn!

Tomoe: Great! But first, what did you do today?

Ako: Hanging out with RinRin and playing NFO in an Internet cafe!

Tomoe: Ah. I see so that's why Roselia has no practice today?

Ako: Not really, Yukina-san and Lisa-nee are busy with other agendas today.

Tomoe: I see.

Ako: Why did you ask about this, onee-chan?

Tomoe: I was practicing with Sayo-san for the whole morning and afternoon. It was fun!

Ako: Really?! Sayo-san needs to relax for a bit.

Tomoe: hehe...
After talking for a bit, the Udagawa sisters started to watch movies together. Meanwhile, Sayo just arrived at her residence. Typically Japanese people would say "I am home" once they entered but not for Sayo, she just went inside, took her shoes off, and immediately proceeded to her room. As she was walking in the hallway, Sayo noticed that Hina was watching the television.
Sayo: Evening.

Hina: Ah! Welcome home, onee-chan!

Sayo: Thanks.
After saying those words, Sayo just proceeded to her room. Once inside, she close and locked the door. After, she immediately jumps and lays on her bed, and thinks about what happened today, especially the incident that occurred during practice. But compared to Tomoe, Sayo easily forgets it but she cherishes it for some reason. As for the other events with Tomoe after practice that occurred, she smiled and giggled at it.

After remembering these memories, Sayo stands up and changed into her sleepwear. After, she sleeps early for school the next day.

As Sayo was drifting away to slumber, Hina was just listening outside. She can hear every giggle that her older twin made. Because of that, Hina was happy. Also, she is wondering what happened to her older twin today, so she decided to ask it tomorrow.

The next day rolled along, it was also a perfect day as yesterday. Birds were chirping with a perfect melody. But it was Monday which means it is a work day for adults and school for students. Right now, Sayo was already awake, fresh from the bath, and she was already wearing her school uniform. Right now, Sayo is currently cooking breakfast and lunch for herself and for Hina. Even though she has a problem with her younger twin, she still does the cooking because it's her responsibility.

As Sayo finished preparing breakfast and lunch for both of them, Hina showed up in the full school uniform of Haneoka.
Hina: Good morning, onee-chan!

Sayo: Morning.
The twins settled down and started to consume their breakfast. As they eat, Hina asks the question that she wants to ask since yesterday evening.
Hina: What did you do yesterday, onee-chan?

Sayo: Practice with someone.

Hina: Eh?! Who is that someone?!

Sayo: Just Tomoe-san.

Hina: Ah! What did you do after?!

Sayo: Secret.

Hina: Eh?! Please tell me!

Sayo: No.

Hina: Please?!

Sayo: I SAID NO!


Une histoire d'étincelle d'amourTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang