Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary Saturday afternoon. I was waking up, doing my usual routine and making breakfast. This morning I decided to make French toast........ because it was the only food for which I had the ingredients. Milk, bread, eggs and sugar. A sweet start to a sweet day. Sweet for me anyway. Dressing in a leather jacket, tshirt, pants, boots and a mask I got ready towards an exciting day. Did I attend school? Nooooo. Because I didn't have time for it. I was part of a gang, and recently another rival gang has been a piece of shit. So I was tasked with dealing with them. Getting on my moto I start it and race towards their hideout. An abandoned underground parking lot. Driving in all heads turned towards me. They all knew the infamous 'Ghoul'. Taking off my helmet I cracked my knuckles as a crazed expression took over my face. "You've been very naughty boys........ so now you're gonna pay!". Like the morons they were, they ran at me full speed and attacked me. Unfortunately for them, I'm a master at martial arts since I learned them from an early age. All thanks to my brother X Y Z. (Unknown). Dodging each attack all it took was a single hit to take down a person twice the size of me. That went on for about 20 minutes, as their 100 members were lying on the floor covered in bruises and holding broken appendages. I was walking towards their leader who cowered beneath my gaze when I felt it........ the tingling started from my spine as it travelled to every part of my body. A whirlpool of black opened up beneath me and the leader and darkness took over as I fell down..... down.......... down.......... down........ until light blinded me and I fell down from..... another parking lot? I spun around and landed in a crouch. The leader however fell on top of someone. That's when I took the time to take in my surroundings................. oh shit! I just landed in the middle of a gang fight!


Me and my gang were watching the fight between Sannoh and Daruma when a swirl of black appeared on the ceiling. It seemed that I was the only one to notice it in my gang as someone in a mask and a weak male fell down. The masked person landed in a perfect crouch but the male wasn't so lucky, and landed on top of a daruma member. I put my attention on the masked individual as they looked around in confusion........ I should find out more about this person. They seem much more stronger than a normal person.


I was sitting on my motorbike, the rsst of my members behind me as I watched the fight. This could either turn out into a peaceful end or a rather bloody one. We'll see which comes first. At that moment my flickered up to the ceiling where a portal opened up. Through it fell down a masked person clothed in leather and a male who fell like a rag doll onto a Daruma members. Does that male have a death wish? And the masked figure seemed quite young since their stature probably isn't above 160cm. Crouching down, the figure observed their surroundings, clearly not knowing where they were. Under their jacket I could see the faint ink of a tattoo. I should observe this interesting individual for their next move.


I quickly snapped out of it as I heard the cry of my victim. Glancing to the side I could see a male in a red coat and red hair grabbing him by throat. Standing up from my crouch I manoeuvre around other fighting members and approach the red haired male from the back. Tapping him on the shoulder he turned around and I stared at him. Right into his soul. He gulped before he tried to put on a brave face. "What do you want huh?!". Ignoring him I push him away and set my sights on the trembling leader. "P-please! Don't hurt me! I promise I'll never do anything like that again!". I strode forward which automatically caused him to scramble back. A predator stalking its prey. I grabbed him by the throat and started to squeeze it. "People like you......deserve to die!". I kept squeezing until someone grabbed me by my shoulder and spun me around. I was face to face with the red head again. And this time boyyyy was he angry! "Who do you think you are huh?! I could easily take you d- Argh!". Whoops! My hand accidently slipped to accidently punch him right in the face! Since he was out of commission I turned back to the leader but he was already running for his life. Starting to run after him I tried to avoid fighting other people but they insisted. Just as the guy was about to escape a man clothed in white came out of nowhere and swung his cane at the leaders face. I warily looked at him but he just stared back at me. "What did he do?". I immediately understood what he was asking and didn't delay in my response. "He raped a young girl in front of her brother as his gang mates killed their parents because of a debt. His eyes turned icy cold as I saw his hand clench over his cane. "Let me take care of him myself". Knowing he wouldn't let the guy escape I nodded and proceeded to watch as the leader was brutally beaten up and got his dick broken. No future kids for you! "There. Now he won't hurt another woman ever again". I just clap in amusement and bow my head in appreciation. "Appreciated. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to....... figure something out". I walk away and sit down in a corner observing the fight. Both leaders are strong and so are their gang mates. Its very difficult to tell who will win. I close my eyes and try to communicate with my brother. "X,y,z? Can you here me?". "Yes I can hear you sister. Where are you? Its time for dinner". "I'm....... in a bit of a situation". "Oh dear. What happened". "It seems that I've possibly been teleported to another dimension". There was a pause on the other end of our telepathic connection as my brother tried to process things. "I see. I'll try to get you out of there. But for now you'll have to survive". "Well then I might have some fun anyways". "Wha-". I cut our connection and observed the fight. It seems like the gang in red fight dirtier than the gang in casual clothes. "*sigh* Might as well help the poor saps". Getting up I stretch my arms and join in the gang fight. Helping the casual clothed group. A nice kick to the dick. A swing and they sing. Throwing them over my shoulder, kneeing them in the stomach, a nice jab to the throat and their down. That was when loud footsteps were heard. Turning to look at the commotion I saw a guy in a suit coming in and pointing a gun at fallen members. “Starting today, SWORD is under Iemura group's control. All of you better join me or die!". I just sat down and watched the water works. I think I got the gist of the conversation. Once friends, the guy went to jail, returned as part of a criminal organisation and wants revenge. Now he was abandoned and wants to get back in the criminal group. I finally couldn't take it anymore and took off my mask but quickly dragged a hood to cover my face. Taking out a handkerchief I wiped my tears and blew my nose at the emotional scene. For some reason it made everyone turn to look at me. "What? Take a picture, it lasts longer". "Who are you?", asked the sobbing leader of the casual clothes. Cobra I think? "I'm Uma". "Well Uma. What are you doing here and where did you come from". "I was here because I had to take care of someone. And I came from the sky". "Cut the bullshit you bitch!". "Shut up before I shut you up myself. She's telling the truth. In the middle of the battle a dark swirl opened up in the ceiling and she and another guy fell through it", Rocky bared his teeth in a grin. "I came from another dimension. My brother said he'll find a way to bring me back so I guess I'll need to go and find a place to stay". "Are you serious? We're asking you for the truth and you give us bulls-". I quickly give him a hit to the face and keep a stoic face as he rolls around crying. "Anyway, as I was saying. Is there anywhere I could stay?". "Might as well stay with me. I've got a spare room anyways. As thanks for helping us, come along now". I just shrug and stand up, following them out of the parking lot I put my mask back on and followed like a duckling following their mother. Arriving at a wide street, I saw Noboru guy standing away from everyone, relishing the view as he spoke, with the others watching him. “I’m ho-"........... Seeing the car heading straight towards Noboru, I push him out of the way and jump onto the hood of the car, before quickly jumping back down as t sped away. “W-What?”. Quickly catching Noboru as he fainted, I saw the others frozen in shock, as they looked at where Noboru was almost run over. “What are you waiting for?! Call the ambulance!”.

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