Chapter 85: The Doctor Will Nyow See You

Start from the beginning

YN: —Hey so does healing work on colds or the flu too?

Speaking out of turn, YN's uncharacteristically sudden interruption had startled her.

Rem: Umm, no. While it can soothe some symptoms perhaps, a great level of healing may perhaps only prove mildly effective against a sickness if only it is physical in cause.

That was close.

Upset with his own rudeness, YN attempted to hide his good, if not rudely implemented intentions under a guise of curiosity, which Rem seemed happy to answer.

Any further with that explanation and I fear Rem might have recalled that loop in the forest...

After Ram's wind magic had amputated Subaru's lower leg in the long fargone loop, Rem had used her healing to close the wound so he could not bleed out. Either out of lack of skill, or because she simply didn't care at that moment. Rem had done the same to YN's finger as well, choosing to rip it off and heal the wound rather than heal the appendage properly.

I guess I can chalk that interruption up to honoring my promise with Ram to not burden her. If she gets all gloomy from remembering that loop, and Ferris comes in, I won't be able to properly comfort her through it.

With the base cause of YN's intent being to shelter Rem from her own guilt, he successfully shifted the conversation away from that.

???: Nyock Nyock, I hope mew aren't naked!

Entering, the doctor was now in.

Half expecting to hear the sound of latex gloves being slapped on, the demi-human instead took a seat right across from YN, and opened what appeared to be a journal.

Felix: Hmm, nyow let's see here... Emilia-sama said your Gate appears to be 'stretched' after an altercation in the Capitol. Does that sound familiar?

Starting off with questions to better understand YN, he sat up more straight to address Felix as his cat ears twitched, waiting for a response.

YN: Yes. I felt a strange sensation when Reinhard had pulled mana from the atmosphere during the altercation with the Bowel Huntress.

Felix: That's right, I remember hearing Rein got into a fight with that creepy lady. She's pretty strong if she walked away from that.

Flipping a page, Felix paused as he read to refresh his own knowledge of YN's condition.

Felix: Also, it sounds like according to Emilia-sama, mew collapsed after all that mana moved to him.

YN: It felt like I was drowning in mana.

Focused on his notes, a puzzled face went across Felix's face.

Felix: Typically only spirits would be affected by such a phenomenon, and we know mew aren't one of those.

Finding humor in his own words, the puzzled expression returned as it seemed he was still unsure of what to make of this information. Turning to Rem now, Felix inquired on YN to her for more clues.

Felix: Typically I only question a spouse if I can't garner anything from a patient, but I figure you two must be about that close.

YN: —hk!

Rem: 'S-Spouse?!'

With scarlet now covering both of their faces, Rem did her best to calm herself and regain her composure. Patting her already smooth dress and pushing a small amount of her azure hair behind her ear, all in nervousness, she responded.

Rem: W-We are close, yes. Rem has observed a great amount of YN-kun.

If it was anyone else, that would sound really weird.

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