Obi-Wan x reader - Dusk Till Dawn

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T/W: Pain, like seriously, this is full of angst, blood, torture, bad writing, let me know if I missed anything.

Word Count: 1,790

A/N: This is inspired by the song Dusk Till Dawn by ZAYN and Sia. The lyrics belong to their rightful owner and they are not mine.


"I'll be with you from dusk till dawn" he promised on your wedding day.

"I'll be with you from dusk till dawn" you promised too.

And you both intended to keep this promise.


"What are you doing here?" Obi-Wan asked you when you arrived at the platform.

"What do you think I am doing? We're assigned the same mission" you kissed his cheek and turned to his Padawan.

"Hi, Anakin. How are you?"

"Fine, Y/N. How are you?"

"Fine. Just a little nervous"

"Can't disagree"

You all knew that what the council had presented as a hard but important mission was actually a lot more serious than they'd like to admit.

"Y/N" Obi-Wan gently grabbed you by your wrist and you turned to face him.

This was not easy. You tried to play it cool, to act like it was just a mission but deep down you knew the truth, and even though you hadn't confessed it to each other you had silently said that you knew.

That you were prepared for whatever happened. All these days you had managed to hide your tears, your fear but how long till you broke?

At least you didn't have to say goodbye. Right?

"Please" it was one of the few times you heard him begging, desperation and fear imprinted on his face.

"Oh, dear" you couldn't hold your tears back any longer and you crashed your body in his, hugging him so tight as you were afraid that if you let go he would magically disappear.

"Stay back. Please" he said, his tears falling on your hair.

His hands found their way around your middle, holding you tight, not enough to hurt you but enough to make separation harder.

"And live with the fear? If something goes wrong live with the guilt?"


"We gave a promise. One year ago. I-" you pulled away and cupped his face with your hands, his beautiful features still charming "I will be with you from dusk till down"

He smiled sadly at the sound of it. "I love you more than anything. And I will hold you when things go wrong" he added the last part of your promise.

You pushed some hair away and rose on your tiptoes to kiss him on the forehead. "Regardless" you smiled, "What would Master Qui-Gon say if he heard us being so pessimistic?"

He chuckled, a sound you could get drunk to, and looked at you into his eyes where you could get lost to.

"And I suggest we got on the ship if we don't want any teasing from Anakin" you laughed again, trying to cover the weight on your chest.

But he was your husband and even if he wasn't forced sensitive he would find out and understand you better than anyone.


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