Cassian Andor x reader - Captain and Major P.2

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Guess who became obsessed with writing this and decided to write instead of socializing or doing something useful for society? Yup, That's me.

Here's Part 2.

T/W: Bad writing, swearing, let me know if there's something else

Word Count: 1k


"So, what about the mission?" you asked after a while.

"What about the mission?" he raised an eyebrow, not taking his eyes from the sky.

"What is it about?"

"Haven't you been told?"

"Even though I trust the rebellion, I believe that they haven't even told me half of it"

He gave you a small nod.

"And if they haven't told you, why should I?"

"Oh, please. If we're gonna work together we have to trust each other"

"And how can I trust you?"

"I am a Major and I've given my life to the rebellion. What do you want me to do, die heroically on a mission, and be remembered as a savior to trust me?"

"I don't know. Many have been proven to be spies for the empire"

"You know, trust goes both ways"

"Oh, and do you trust me?"

"Yes. Although I hate your guts"

The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. "Alright then"

"But if you betray me," he said after a few seconds "I'll do what I must"

"Calm down, patriot"

"We have information that there is a new weapon. We will meet our contact, we are informed that he has information about it"


"Then" he looked at you "if we have survived, we will try to stop them from constructing it"

"Wonderful," you said ironically.

"Isn't it?" he laughed and it was the best sound you'd ever heard.

You immediately threw this thought out of your mind and focused on the view in front of you.

Judging by your experience you had a couple of hours ahead of you, so you decided to do something else. Travels by ship weren't the best for you.

You got up and picked up your bag bringing it with you back where you sit. You searched for a book you'd brought with you and when you finally found it you threw your bag behind you.

"Are you going to read?"

"Yeah, is there anything wrong with it?"

"No, I just-" he paused for a moment, "I just don't know anyone who reads for fun"

"Well, here I am. How about you?"

"I have more important things to do than read"

"Hey, reading is important too!"

"In fact reading can improve your vocabulary, stronger your brain and give you important information about many things. In one word, it makes you smarter" K2 appeared from behind you. "Which is why in fact Major Y/N is smarter than you"

You smiled at the comment and looked at Cassian who was now angry. "K2, I swear-"

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving," he said and headed back where he was sitting.

"Why are you angry? He spoke the truth" you grinned and he gave you a furious look,

"Just shut up and read before I decide to kill you" he muttered angrily under his breath.

"You know, Captain, you may have a god complex" you could hardly suppress your laugh.

"I may have, Major, but I also have anger issues. So you might want to go at the back and sit with K2 before I decide to do something we'll both regret" he half joked.

"Ok, ok. But I know that you'll miss my company"

"Oh, I will. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"

You got up, took your book with you, and sat next to K2.

"It was a matter of time for you to start fighting. Actually, the percentage was about-"

"Yeah, I know. High enough. Guess now we're on the "Don't get any closer or you'll die" team"

"He'll calm down. He just wants to act superior to anyone else when you're around"

"Excuse me what?"


"uh ok," you said and started reading, K2′s words still running in your mind.

"Get ready to land" Cassian yelled after about an hour and you ran at the co-pilot's seat.

The land was successful and you got out of the ship.

"K2, you stay here"


"Do you think an imperial droid will go unnoticed?"

"It's not unusual for them to wander around in the cities" you stepped in.

"Yes, but an imperial robot next to two civilians? This is unusual"

"K2, he's right. Maybe you should stay. For your own safety, of course. I can't imagine what we'd do without your help" you made a pause and Cassian gave you a questioning look. "So, what do you think?"

"I think that you use your diplomatic skills to convince me and even though they're good enough, I am a droid. I can't be fooled"

"I'll stay" K2 finally said. "Only because I like you more than him" he gestured to Cassian.

"Oh, great. What's next? Are you gonna make an anti-Cassian team?" Cassian walked past you and you ran to get to him.

"We already have," you said and began to walk next to him.

It isn't that bad, you thought.

"Where are we going to meet our contact?" he asked you.

"Follow me," you said and he did.

"Do you know this place? Or are we going to get lost?"

"What did we say about trust?"

"Alright. But how do you know this place?"

"I've lived here for two years"

He gave you an understanding nod and you continued.

You wandered around for a few minutes before you found the bar you were looking for. As you entered you noticed that there was all kind of creatures and you were the only humans, which made you easily noticeable.

"So, how are we gonna find him?"

"Oh, we won't find him. He will find us" you replied with a grin and drank the drink the bartender had brought you.

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