2 Rival gangs

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What kind of crazy nightmare was it? He'd prayed someone would show him the right way and after a few moments an Assassin appeared in front of him. So, was that the correct answer?

Someone up there was certainly dying of laughter.

In the meantime, the woman had managed to get up and with a sudden jerk she turned toward them. Her reaction caught him off guard, especially when she kicked him in the shin.

Kongpob shrieked with pain and surprise, jumping away from her. Then she snatched the jar from the one she must have mistaken for a harmless young man.

"You mother-jumpers!" She furiously railed against them. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Ma'am..." Kongpob protested weakly, trying to calm her down: "We just wanted to help you..."

The attempt failed miserably. The woman abruptly placed the jar on the ground and pounced on the closest of the two, which unfortunately was the Assassin. She grabbed at the straps crossing his chest and pushed him back, against the rough brick wall of a store. Kongpob grimaced involuntarily as the sound of his head thumping against the hard stone resonated in his ears. There he remained speechless when he saw the man's only reaction was to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Help me?" She yelled, pushing him again against the wall. "Do you think I don't know about these games of you rascals?!"

The Assassin shot Kongpob a confused glance from under his hood. Caught off guard and unable to come up with a plan, the guard acted on impulse.

"Ma'am, you're hurting him." He said in a voice more pathetic than he had intended.

The woman became even more furious, her face turned red from anger, and the veins on her face started popping out. Unaware of the danger, she punched the Assassin's shoulder.

"Do you think you can fool me? I know you go around tripping women so that you can grope them with the excuse of helping them! What do you think? I'm a family woman! A respectable woman! Pray you never meet me again or I'll report you!"

She hit the Assassin again before she picked up the jar with one sharp movement and left, still grumbling.

The two of her watched her walk away, their eyes and mouth wide open, frozen, unable to react to what had just happened.

"Such a lovely mother... his children must have the tail." Mumbled the Assassin without taking his eyes off the now-deserted alley, apparently oblivious to Kongpob's presence.

At first the latter couldn't believe he had heard him speak. The Assassins have no face or voice under their hood... but this one possessed both, apparently. Then he managed to overcome his surprise and work out the meaning of what the other had just said. Despite everything, a bark of laugh escaped him.

"Bravo! Laugh it up, what do you care? I was the one she hit." The man muttered, rearranging the straps and the underlying clothes.

The look on his face made Kongpob laugh even harder than before. "Sorry, sorry." He said, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. "Are you hurt?"

"No no." He replied, lightly touching his head to check there was no injury. "But I haven't been beaten this roughly by a woman since I was five!" He added, rubbing his left shoulder.

A pout adorning his otherwise impassive face. Kongpob found him incredibly human... and cute in his own way.

He suddenly remembered who the other was, and anxiety rushed over him again. Despite this, he found it hard to feel real fear of a man who, armed to the teeth, had let himself be beaten by a woman because hitting her was clearly an abomination to him.

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