02: Give to people in need

Start from the beginning

I grabbed some ramen and instant rice and put them in the cart. When I looked at Jungkook he looked almost as if he was about to tell me off.

"What's up with you this weekend?" He spoke suddenly, catching me off guard with the question.

"What do you mean?" 

The package of kimchi in my hand suddenly felt heavier. And the cart next to me suddenly seemed like it was gliding away.

"I mean, yesterday you wanted a tattoo, today you wanna be a hero and feed the homeless. You've never expressed anything towards the homeless!? What's happening?" He spoke fast, almost in a panic like tone.

I let out a small laugh, "Jungkook, I just want to help people in need." 

"But since when?"

"Jungkook!" I nudged him, "I'm being a nice person, is there something wrong with that?"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." He put his hands up defensively, stepping away from me, "You're just weirding me out with your sudden plans." He admitted.

I mentally sighed, but tried not to show too many expressions. I turned to look for a few last things to put in the cart. Jungkook stood behind me silently as I spaced out at the racks in front of me.

"What's happening?"

"You're weirding me out."

Am I being weird? 

Is this to-do list just one stupid idea?

"Let's get these." Jungkook's voice made me snap out of my spacing out. He reached his hand in front of me and showed some pork belly he had found.

I looked at the packaging for only a short moment, "This isn't microwaveable Jungkook." I looked up at him with a wisecracking smile.

"It has to be? I love pork belly."

"I don't suppose homeless people have cooking tops and grills?" I chuckled. The thought was stupid, but sweet.

"I don't suppose they have microwaves either?" He tried to come back but immediately realized he was wrong when reminded of the microwaves in the convenience stores, "Never mind." He grunted.

He scoffed and reached on one of the top racks and grabbed some of the pre-cooked meals, "This then?"

I smiled at him. Even though I had been 'weirding him out' he still went with my plan. That was one of the things I loved about my best friend. He never said no to do things with me, even though he thought it was stupid.

I nodded and hummed in amusement. He added the meals in his hand to the cart - the pork belly too.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows and an accusatory look.

"What? It's for me... later."

"You?" I kept the strict look on my face. This was about people in need, not his needs.

"Us?" He spoke questionably, a hesitant smile meeting his lips.

Not wanting to admit that I actually too craved some pork belly for tonight, I just shook my head and went to the cashier to pay for the things.

I watched sleepily at my reflection in the window overlaying on the streets as Jungkook was driving us to the poorer part of the city. Luckily it was a minority of homeless people, that didn't have a homeless shelter to house them. But it still surprised me how quick we were to find people sitting on the streets, with all their few belongings surrounding them.

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