Chapter 9 ~ Fire in the Music Room

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"You're being too loud so be quiet." A young man's voice filtered out into the silent room as he slowly sat up and pushed the covers off of himself, I myself just standing frozen right on the spot. God, why did he have to be here? Now?

My eye's were immediately met with a shirtless and bed headed Shu, my heart instantly stuttering in my chest. His abs were so defined and visible, his muscles that surprisingly bulge just the smallest bit on his arms and shoulders just as defined if not slightly more so. The blondes hair was also messy which caused more than a few strands to stick up in abnormal directions, the small waves and curls in his hair becoming more separated. All in all, he looked like an adorably tired puppy as he stared up at me with those ocean blue eyes of his.

So much for avoiding him...

"What are you staring at you lewd woman?" He asked.

I quickly averted my eyes from him and looked down at the ground. "Why are you in my room Shu?"

"Last time I checked, this was my room, and my earphones broke so I wanted to be entertained." He stated simply as he pushed himself up off the bed and moved to stand in front of me. "More exactly, I want you to entertain me."

Shu whispered the last bit as a small laugh escaped his lips and he walked past me. I turned around to see that he was putting on his low cut white V-neck shirt that he must had thrown off over somewhere and then made his way out of his room.

I followed him into the hallway and down to the room I've only been in once. There are random instruments of all sorts lying around and the only one that seems to be played rather often is the grand piano that sits in the center of this cluttered room. The taller blonde in front of me closed the top to the pitch black piano and climbed on top of it so he could lay down.

"Play for me." He ordered as I walked over to him and sat down on the bench.

"Um... You do know that I don't know how to play right?" I asked him as I started to poke random keys on the board.

"You're just as useless as the last woman that was brought here."

"No I'm not Shu."

"Then play."

With a small glare directed at the blonde, I set my fingers over the keys I was playing with back when I had first entered the music room at school, just messing around on the piano. Slowly I began pressing down on the same random notes and was back to making it into a small melody. I paid little attention in my music classes, but I did listen enough to understand the notes on the keyboard and how to play a few very simple sounding melody's.

As my fingers glided over the notes that I wasn't even sure if they sounded good together, I could vaguely see that side ways smirk that Shu was giving me as his eyes stayed shut.

Guess he likes my random playing...?

I kept moving my hands and pressing down on the keys I felt like hearing. The blonde on top of the piano didn't seem to mind my playing so I just continued on with what I was doing. But as I was almost done with my random onslaught of notes, a loud crash in front of the grand piano made me immediately stop.

At first, Shu and I didn't make a move to see what broke the window and instead just stared at each other for a few moments, his eyes now open and looking into mine as if I can somehow give him an answer. Then as a small light in front of the piano began to grow. We both soon noticed that it was a bottle with a lit piece of gasoline drenched fabric stuck in its opening that was thrown and broke through the window.

In an instant, the blonde on top of the piano shot up and looked at me with the most terrified expression i think I've ever seen. Then again, I've only ever seen Shu either sleeping, smirking, or smiling in just slight amusement. This, now this is something I never want to see again.

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