"This is nice." She comments.

"Mhm." I say as we just stand there for a moment.

"I just realized I haven't even had a proper house tour yet." I say out of the blue.

"Oh shoot, you're right. Follow me." She says as she takes my hand and leads me through the living room towards the side of the house I haven't even seen yet.

We get to the first room, which appears to be the master bedroom.

"This is the master bedroom, where no magic happens." She says.

"Not yet." I correct her.

A light blush appears on her cheekbones. "Right."

"Then here we have the walk-in closet and through there the master bathroom." She quickly continues.

"This is fancy." I say as I look at the marble tiling along the floor.

"I renovated it last year. I like the Mediterranean look on the outside, but I prefer to have my bathroom a bit more modern." She explains.

"I get that." I say, knowing that I personally hated the bathroom in my apartment before I renovated it.

She then takes me to all these different rooms in the house, which include another guest room and even a media room.

When she opens one last room, she warns me for some reason.

Then, when she opens the door, a dog comes running toward me. I get caught off guard by it, but soon a smile crosses my face.

"Hi there." I greet them while crouching down to pet them. "Is it a boy or a girl? Or in-between?" I ask Lizzie.

"That's my baby boy Sparky. He's a Doodle." She says, smiling down at us.

"Hi Sparky. Is mommy treating you well?" I ask him. He eagerly tries to lick my face in response.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." I chuckle.

"Come on Sparky, let's finish this tour." Lizzie says. The Doodle happily joins us as we continue on our way.

"So, do you like the house?" she asks once we're done.

"I do. It really suits you. My favourite part is the garden, obviously."

"Good. Otherwise, we might not be the right match for each other." She says with a wink before walking away.

"That's a joke, right?" I ask her as I just stand there. "Right?" She ignores me as she keeps walking further away from me. I hurriedly follow her.

She's probably just joking.

Or she takes her garden really seriously.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" I ask her as I catch up to her.

"Well," she says as she turns to me and puts her hands on my waist. "I still need to return that favour you did for me last week."

I like where this is going.

"Now that I think of it, that lunch did give me a lot of energy." I tell her with a smirk.

She pulls me towards the master bedroom and closes the door in front of Sparky. We do not want him around for this.

As soon as the door closes, Lizzie pulls me into a heated kiss.

I missed the feeling of her lips on mine so much. I savour every second of it and let her take control of the kiss, at which point she pushes her tongue past my lips.

As we're in this heated make-out session, she starts to slowly push me backwards until my calves hit the bed. I feel myself falling back onto it and am met with Lizzie towering over me.

She immediately goes to take off everything but her underwear, while I am obviously admiring her, and then proceeds to take off my clothing.

"This is new." I tell her. Normally I'm used to being in control, but with her, I don't seem to mind it as much.

"I'm not sure exactly what to do." She admits, seeming slightly nervous.

I give her a sympathetic smile. "Just do what feels natural and don't be afraid to just experiment a little. I'll guide you through it if you want."

She nods and slowly pushes me back down onto my back. She resumes our make-out session from earlier before she slowly makes her way further down.

Once she gets to where she needs to be, she looks at me for consent. At this point, I'm already hot and bothered.

"Keep going." I just tell her. 

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