Chapter 10

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(Enjoy this extra long chapter ~ Author )

"Alexa, play I'm So Excited by The Pointer Sisters"

It's currently 6:30 AM and I'm jamming to my anthem for today.

As I get ready for work, I think of all the possible ways today could play out. Yes, I am an overthinker and a perfectionist.

I know that this can't be predicted, but somehow it eases my mind to think of all the possible outcomes.

Once I'm done getting ready for work, I jump in the Uber and head towards the café. There, Maggie is already waiting for me inside.

"Morning, you're early." I state in surprise.

"Good morning, I figured you could use some extra help."

"Actually, I could use your help right now. I decided I want to hire a new girl to the team called Hannah. I'm confident she's going to be a good fit. I just need to make sure she gets a good introduction to the team and the work, so could you help me a bit with showing her how we work?"

"Sounds good. Is she coming by today?" She asks.

"Yeah, she should be here around one and then she's probably just going to get a tour and we'll show her some of the things she'll be doing."

"Has she worked in a café before?"

I didn't even think of asking her that...

"Not sure. But everything she doesn't know, she will know by the time we've trained her."

Maggie nods at that and we get to work for the morning shift.

Time seems to fly by as I'm helping one customer after the next and before I know it, Hannah comes through the door.

"Hi Willow" she greets as she walks up to the counter.

"Oh, hey Hannah! One second," I tell her before signalling Jessica to take over from me.

"Let's walk towards the back." I say before leading her to the employee area. Hannah gladly follows me.

We each sit down on one end of the couch and turn towards each other. "This is the employee area. It's the place where we usually hang out before our shift and during breaks."

"It looks really nice" Hannah says as she looks around the room full of bookshelves and cozy furniture.

"We put it together with the team. Everyone kind of has their favourite spot in the room."

I think back to the question Maggie asked before work. "Do you have any experience in working at a café?"

She looks at me with a soft smile. "I do. I worked at a café back in Houston for two years."

"Great! So you know your way around an espresso machine?"

"Yes, I do." She confirms.

After that, I show her around the café and all the staff rooms. After the tour, I look at the clock and see I have to leave for my meeting with Lizzie.

"When do you think you'd have time for your training?" I ask as we walk towards the front door together.

"I can probably stop by tomorrow."

"Perfect I'll see you then." And with that, Hannah is out the door. "Jessica" I say, gaining the attention of the redhead.

"Can you lock up after closing? I have to head out."

"You got it!" she says with a cheesy thumbs up. I shake my head with a smile and quickly walk out.

After a ten-minute walk, I arrive at the chic front doors of the Fairmont hotel. Luckily, I dressed nice today so the doorman probably thinks I'm staying here. Ha, no way in hell I have that kind of money.

The Book Cafe (Elizabeth Olsen x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now