Chapter 23

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I wake up to the sensation of someone sitting on the bed and softly caressing my left cheek with their thumb.

It takes me a second to remember that I'm at Lizzie's house. I know right, how can someone forget that they're at Elizabeth Olsen's house?

I slowly blink my eyes open and see her looking down at me with a gentle smile.

"Hey" she greets me with a soft voice. "You looked so peaceful that I almost didn't want to wake you up. But you need to eat something."

I smile back at her and take her hand from my cheek to kiss her palm. "Hi" I move to sit up, which makes her get up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask her, instantly missing her on the bed with me.

She raises her eyebrow at me. "To the kitchen, where the food is."

"Oh. I thought you meant something else when you told me to eat something." I say with a sheepish grin.

She laughs out loud and shakes her head. "You'd still need food for energy." She tells me as she walks away with a bit more sway in her hips.

Damn. She really knows what she's doing.

With an exasperated sigh, I get out of bed. I put my pants back on and make my way over to the ensuite bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair.

Once I'm done, I go to the kitchen to see what Lizzie made. "So, chef, what are we having?" I ask her as I sit down in one of the chairs.

She chuckles. "This is a kale salad with some carrots and fresh lemon juice."

It looks really good. All the ingredients came right from her own garden.

She sits down with me and we start eating. As I take my first bite, I give her a grunt of approval. "This is amazing. And the fact that all of this came from your garden makes it even better." I compliment her.

A grateful smile crosses her face. "Thank you. I love making food and to be able to have my own little ecosystem at home really ties it together."

We continue eating and clean the dishes once we're done.

"I saw your show" Lizzie starts, making my head snap to the side to look at her.

"You did? How?" I ask incredulously.

"Sometimes I check on social media through my friends and they told me you went viral, so I had to see it." She explains.

I nod along. "What did you think?"

She looks at me with a smile before speaking. "You have a beautiful voice. I never knew you could sing. I absolutely loved every second of it."

I can't stop my own smile from spreading across my face. "I'm glad to hear that."

It becomes quiet for a moment as she contemplates her next words. "You sounded like you meant every word you sang."

I'm guessing she's referring to the more serious ones.

"I did." I confirm as I hang the towel I was holding on the hook.

She looks down for a second, clearing her throat. "I'm really sorry about the way I handled all of this."

I notice her fidgeting, so I move over to her and grab her hands. "It's okay. I understand where you were coming from. Was it easy? No, I'm not going to lie to you. But I'm just glad we're here now. Together. That's all that matters to me right now."

She looks back up at me as the smile returns to her face. She pulls me in for a hug and rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her securely and lean my head against hers.

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