Chapter 4: Hopes and insomnia

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3rd POV

It was nighttime, almost 11:21 P.M, (Y/N) was getting even more sleepy, he closed his eyes shut, and when he opened it again, it was a terrifying sight, blood everywhere, the sky was red and there was dust on the air, he looked scared at his surroundings, until he saw behind him, Betty, with a creepy and horrible smile.

Betty:"Now, you don't have any value for me anymore, you'll just die here and your soul will be my last meal on this destroyed lands." She exclaimed looking at you as she walked calmly.

You couldn't move, she was ready to kill you, she placed her hand scythe right on your neck, ready to finish you off.

(Y/N):"If this is the end, then i must say that i don't regret anything." She looked quite confused."since i actually did made a friend, or i thought so, either way, you made me feel special, if killing me will make you feel special too, then do it." You said with a smile, you still was scared for your life, but it ended soon, since she just reaped you.

You woke up, your heart racing more than ever, you were afraid, you were scared, and wanted someone to tell your dream, but it was just 1:32 A.M, you felt tired, but nothing could make you sleep again, so you decided to read your book, useless, since you couldn't take off Betty's face of your head, it was tormenting you. You let out a sigh and stand up, got a jacket and got out of the house.

It was very cold, but you had to do it, you walked towards the forest and going deeper, you found her place, you opened without thinking twice.

Betty:"AHH, Jeez, you scared me (Y/N), i thought someone found out my location." She said rubbing the back of her head, she looked again at you and you were avoiding eye contact."Are you okay?" She asked quite worried.

You looked at her face, a few seconds passed like hours, you had the nightmare Betty pictured on your mind, but looking at her, this scary face disapeared and you could see her cute face, but now with a worried expression, you fall on your knees and hug her tight, she was very surprised, but even more when she heard you sobbing.

Betty:"hey hey, what's going on? why are you crying?"She asked hugging you back and making *shh shh* noises to calm you down. She realised that when you entered you had fear on your heart, something she didn't want, you were fearing her.

(Y/N):"i-i had a nightmare, wh-where we detroy everything and everyone, and th-then..." You was saying as you started to cry again. "then you came to kill me, but this wasn't the worst part." She was shocked by this words, thinking that her only friend was afraid of her, but she was confused after hearing that this wasn't the worst part. "I felt what i was feeling on my dream, and he thought she was his friend, but she killed him. Betty..." he said looking at her deep in her eyes. "if you're going to kill me someday, pl-please... kill me just now, i don't want to suffer like i suffered on my nightmare." he said while taking out his White Snake's disk, enough for you to be alive, and enough to Betty take it before it disapear. "if you want i'll give you my White Snake to help you." 

Betty:"(Y/N)..." she had the disk on her hands, but she pushed it back. "i won't ever kill you, i swear for my life and soul, i don't know why you had this nightmare, but i won't betray you, i really consider you as my friend, i like a lot your company, and looking at you in this situation... really hurts me." She said crying a bit, she never thought she could feel this kind of emotion, everything she thought of was to kill the monsters and then enslave the humans, but now, it was getting a bit blurried. "I'm sorry if i'm a bad influence... I'm sorry if it was i the reason of your nightmare... I'm sorry if at some point i failed you." She cryied on your shoulder as the both of you were hugging.

A few minutes passed, it was silent as the two of you were there, sitting on the ground. When Betty realised you passed out due this stress, she smiled weakly, and hugged you trying to give warm as you sleeped in her arms.

Betty:'i knew this was a bad idea, something like me could never be friend of a human, but now i'm attatched to him, and i don't want to hurt him. No, i won't hurt him, tomorrow i'll think of some plan, but now he need to rest'. she thought, she was afraid of losing him, but this could be the only option, the only way for him to find peace, but she knew she would be in a horrible saddness if he accepts.

The day came fast, you woke up slowly, feeling Betty's arms around your neck and Kumu in a blanket form covering you up, she looked at you and smiled, she then kissed your forehead, it made you feel comfortable.

(Y/N):"Good morning Betty, sorry for take your time at night, i didn't thought if you had anything important to do." he apologized looking at her.

Betty:"it's not your fault, i wanted to make you feel more... comfortable to sleep." She said witha small blush. "Even though i'm the reason of why you didn't sleeped." She said now with a bit sad tone.

(Y/N):"It's not your fault Betty." He said rubbing her hair softly.

Betty:"I must ask you something (Y/N)..." She said looking away from your face. "I... i want you to stay out of my way." She asked demanding, you couldn't help but chuckle a bit."i'm serious, i have my objective, and you might get more and more scared everytime it goes on, and it's not going to be good for good." She said looking down."You have to reach your own heaven (Y/N), i don't want to be something that you might get scared." She said avoiding eye contact.

(Y/N):"Betty... do you want to know the truth? I wasn't afraid of you on the nightmare." he said making Betty confused. "i grew up with my parents neglecting me, the school didn't like me at all so i was allways bullied just because i was smart or something like that. I was like you." you said, Betty looked at you with a bit sad face. "then i found you, someone just like me, i want to make you feel happy, because i never was, until the day i met you. And in my nightmare, i was't afraid of you, i was afraid... to fail with you, to see you become something that just want blood and slaughter." you said tearing, as Betty realised what you said, she teared up a bit and hugged you tight.

Betty:"I won't become this thing (Y/N), i swear you." She exclaimed. "i'll be the friend you allways needed (Y/N), and i know you'll do the same." She said crying. "I still need to finish my plan to finish the monsters, so if you don't want to i'll understand. When i finish we can move to another place and live together right?" She asked with a smile as tears came out of her eyes.

(Y/N):"I promissed that i'd help you through everything, and that's what i'll do my dear friend." You said as you kissed her cheek softly. "I have to go, they might get worried. Bye Betty...'love you'" you said as she waved as you got away.

You walked away back to the lab, where you were living until everything calm down, you got in and laid down and pretended you were asleep, until Frisk got up and Toriel did as well.

Toriel:"Goodmoring (Y/N), did you sleeped well?"she asked as you remembered Betty's embrace as you were sleeping.

(Y/N):"I had a wonderful night Mrs. dreemurr."

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