Chapter-0:A hero is chosen

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*I don't own Pokémon or any custom art*         
The story begins in an unknown place, a realm where neither humans nor Pokémon have ever set foot. It is the home of Arceus, the creator of Pokémon, who slumbers peacefully. Suddenly, Arceus opens its eyes, shocked by what it sees.

"What was that?" the Pokémon exclaims, filled with terror.

"There was a man in a black suit, accompanied by a Pokémon, on the darkest day," the Pokémon continues, still trembling with fear.

"But amidst all that, there was a boy, around 18 years old, a strong and strategic trainer who shares a deep bond with his Pokémon," ponders the Pokémon, intrigued by the mysterious trainer's identity.

"I must find this trainer," the Pokémon resolves, deciding to search for the boy. It eventually discovers a young boy named Ash, no older than 6 or 7, currently attending a summer camp. The Pokémon also notices that the boy possesses an aura, a power that doesn't go unnoticed by the curious Pokémon. It decides to observe Ash for a while, trying to determine if he is the one it seeks.

At the summer camp, Ash, a skinny boy with raven hair, slightly tan skin, brown eyes, and distinctive lightning bolt-like markings beneath each eye, expresses his excitement to his friend and rival, Gary Oak. Gary, a thin kid with light skin, brown eyes, and tall, spiky brown hair, urges Ash to calm down and not get too carried away.

"I can't, Gary! I'm so excited because if I do well at this camp, I might receive a sponsorship from your grandfather," Ash enthusiastically shares his aspirations.

"Yeah, that's all good, but just relax, Ash," Gary replies in a laid-back manner.

Unbeknownst to them, a girl named Leaf sneaks up from behind and greets them, surprising both Ash and Gary.

"Hey, Ash and Gary," the girl says, catching them off guard.

"Leaf, is that you?" both boys exclaim simultaneously, amazed to see someone else from their hometown at the camp.

Leaf, a young girl with messy, long brown hair and brown eyes, is a close friend of Ash and Gary, hailing from the same town.

"What brings you here, Leaf?" Ash inquires.

"Isn't it obvious, Ash? I'm here to secure the sponsorship from Professor Oak," Leaf explains.

"Well, then we better work hard because everyone else here is gunning for the same thing," Gary remarks.

"Let's do our best, then," Ash declares confidently.

"Yeah!" Leaf exclaims, sharing their enthusiasm.

"Quiet down, you two. My grandpa is about to speak," Gary reminds them.

Professor Oak, a middle-aged man with peach skin, gray hair, and thick bushy eyebrows, wearing a white lab coat, a light red polo shirt, a brown belt, beige pants, and matching brown loafers, addresses the camp participants.

"Alright, I'm glad to see all of you here today. First, you need to form teams of three," Professor Oak explains.

Ash suggests that they all team up, and Leaf and Gary agree, forming a team called "Team Starters." They inform a counselor of their team name and are shown to their cabin.

As the team settles in for the night, ready to work hard the next day, Arceus observes from its realm, intrigued by the young trainer's display of leadership.

The following day, Professor Oak announces that the day's event is a Pokémon battle tournament. The trainers are randomly assigned Pokémon, and the matches are randomized. Ash finds himself facing off against a girl named Serena, whom he has never met before.

Confused, Ash asks, "Who are you?"

Serena, visibly annoyed, responds, "I'm Serena! Remember the girl you beat yesterday?"

With tensions rising, Ash and Serena step onto the battlefield, ready to battle. Ash's Cyndaquil faces Serena's Farfetch'd (Galarian form).

Ash commands, "Cyndaquil, use Ember!"

Serena counters, "Farfetch'd, block it with your leek, then follow up with Night Shade!"

Farfetch'd successfully blocks the Ember attack and retaliates with Night Shade, dealing damage to Cyndaquil.

Concerned, Ash asks his Pokémon, "Are you alright, Cyndaquil?"

Cyndaquil responds in a pained tone, "Cyn... Cynda..."

Undeterred, Ash encourages his Pokémon, "You can do this! Cyndaquil, use Flame Wheel!"

Serena commands Farfetch'd to block with its leek and counter with Brick Break. Farfetch'd successfully blocks the Flame Wheel attack but is struck by Cyndaquil's intensified Flame Wheel, causing it to reel back in pain.

Infuriated, Serena exclaims, "Face it, Ash! I'm going to win this!"

Driven by determination, Ash commands Cyndaquil, "Use Swift!"

Farfetch'd, weakened by the previous attacks, faints.

The counselor declares Ash as the winner, much to Serena's dismay.

"No! He cheated!" Serena protests.

The counselor, however, confirms that Ash is the rightful winner, causing Serena to accept the defeat reluctantly. Gary and Leaf congratulate Ash on his victory.

The day continues with Leaf and Gary also winning their matches, securing Team Starters' lead. The team heads to sleep, unaware of Arceus observing the young trainer's prowess.

The next day, the camp participants engage in a fishing competition. Gary catches a Gyarados, Leaf reels in a Horsea, and Ash captures a Magikarp. Thanks to their combined efforts, Team Starters maintains its lead.

On the third day, a Pokémon race takes place, involving teams racing past seven checkpoints. Initially struggling, Team Starters gains an advantage when Leaf acquires a Snorlax and Ash provides Oran Berries he secretly took from the cafeteria. They secure third place after rescuing Serena, who fell off her partner Pokémon, Taros. Ash visits Serena in the nurse's office to check if she's okay. They have a heartfelt conversation, realizing they share similar dreams and struggles, forming a new bond.

The fourth day features a 3v3 battle between Team Starters and Team Mew. Each team selects their Pokémon, and the battles commence. With strategic moves and teamwork, Team Starters emerges victorious, thanks in part to Snorlax's impressive performance, impressing everyone, including their opponents.

As the camp concludes, Professor Oak announces that the winning team, Team Starters, will receive five years of mentorship under his guidance to learn the basics of Pokémon training. Little do they know that Arceus has taken notice of Ash's skills, as it plans to reveal the young trainer's destiny in the near future.


Author's notes: hope you enjoyed the chapter

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