Chapter 2

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"Phil Lester..." I repeat into the phone.

"Yup, he's in Grade 12 as well!" Chris informs.

"Why don't you bring this Phil Lester to PJ and I so we can introduce ourselves." I suggest casually.

"We were just heading over now." Chris says.

"Alright, see you guys soon." I say, hanging up the phone.

"So?" PJ asks curiously.

"He was showing around the new kid, Phil Lester, they're coming here now."I inform PJ.

"Sounds good." He replies.


A few minutes later, we see Chris enter the Cafeteria, followed by a shy-looking boy with jet black hair, fringed off in the opposite direction of my own. He has ocean blue eyes that could be recognized from a mile away. I'm not going to lie, I was extremely attracted to him. But I wasn't going to get my hopes up, because chances are he most likely likes girls, like all the other guys. They make their way to PJ and I.

Chris sits next to PJ, leaving the spot next to me for Phil to sit. He sits down hesitantly, while I jumped into introducing myself.

"Hi there," I say, smiling and holding out my hand for a proper handshake. "I'm Dan!"

"Hello Dan, I'm Phil." He says, shaking my hand. His voice sounded really nice, and his hands were cold, yet surprisingly soft.

He's probably straight, you're gonna scare him away, my thoughts quickly reminds me.

After PJ introduced himself, I tried getting to know Phil a bit better.

"So Phil, why did you come to this hell hole of a school?" I ask jokingly.

He smiles, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Well, I used to live up in the North, but my dad got a job transfer and we had to move here. I'm glad though, there were a lot of things back there I need to forget." He states.

Now I'm curious as to what he needs to forget, but I obviously can't ask something that personal.

"And it doesn't seem much like hell." He adds, laughing. He has a very contagious laugh, because now I'm giggling as well, probably looking like an idiot.

"Oh, trust me, it is." PJ chimes in.

"Is it always this hot in here?" Phil asks, rolling up his sleeves. On his now exposed wrists, I see a bunch of band bracelets, such as "Fall Out Boy," My Chemical Romance," and my personal favourite, "Muse." This boy was getting better and better by the second.

He's not gay, my brain reminds me.

After I acknowledged his brackets and complimented them, he perked up and we got into a conversation on our favourite songs and bands, completely ignoring the presence of PJ and Chris.


Lunch was (sadly) almost over, but I had learned that Phil loves Muse, hates cheese, and basically lives on the Internet. PJ and Chris left to go to their lockers, leaving Phil and me alone.

"Don't you have to get to your locker as well, Dan?" He asks.

"No need, I got all my stuff with me." I reply, gesturing towards my backpack.


"So... what do you want to do while we wait for the bell?"

"Want to sit and talk some more?"

"Sounds good!"

So we did just that. Unfortunately, it only lasted for two minutes before we were interrupted by the bell. I stood up, swinging my bag over my shoulders.

"Bye, Dan!" Phil says, beginning to walk away towards his class.

"Phil wait!"

I call out. He stops in his tracks and turns to face me, giving me the opportunity to get lost in his bright blue eyes as easily as it would be to get lost in an actual ocean. I shake out of my trance, remembering why I had called him back.

"So, uh, Chris and PJ are coming over to place after school, and I was just wondering if you wanted to come." I offer, scratching the back of my head.

His eyes light up and a smile dances its way onto his face.

"Really?" he asks happily.

"Of course." I say, chuckling at his excitement.

"Alright, sounds great!" He exclaims, not even trying to hide his excitement anymore.

"Perfect, I'll text you my address and you could drive to my house, cause you probably don't want to leave your car here." I say.

Phil and I exchanged numbers during lunch, so I pulled up his contact and began to type in my address.

His smile fades, his head hanging low as he starts fiddling with his fingers.

"I, um, I actually don't have a car... Too expensive." He says with a nervous laugh.

I flash him a friendly smile, immediately decreasing the awkward tension. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"No worries, meet me at the front and I can give you a lift." I say.

"Okay, thanks!" He says, his smile returning to his face. Thank God.

"I got to get to class now, Mrs. William will kill me with her own bare hands if I'm late to her class... Again. See you after school." I say with a genuine smile.

"Bye Dan, see you after school!" He says, smiling back.

I walk down the halls to my next class, with the name 'Phil Lester' never leaving my mind for a moment.

so idk if anybody's even gonna read this dumb fic but I really enjoy it so far, and I'm only on chapter 2. I have a lot of things planned, so stay tuned :3 it should get interesting


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