Paranormal Activity

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"Cater, get a video of this," Someone whispers as Yuu meditates.

"Holy shit, this will blow up on Magicam. Human girl summons the elemental force of water!" Cater squeals, filming Yuu.

Unbeknownst to Yuu, her meditating had given her more control of her powers unconsciously. As of now, the water from the hose and pipes floated around Yuu as she practiced meditating. Yuu opens her eyes and sees globs of water around her whole body.

I-I'm controlling my powers!

Yuu opens her palms and presses them into her thighs. The globs of water turn into ice and fall to the ground, breaking into pieces.

"Yuu, are you ok? The ice didn't smack anyone else on the head, right?" Vargas asks, slurring his words. "Class...dismissed."

"Someone call the nurse!" Trey yells, rushing to Vargas's side.

I finally did it! Now, if only I could master heating things.

Yuu happily skips to the locker room and changes into her regular school clothes. Cater uploads the video of Yuu's globs of water, and it starts to gain attraction. Fortunately, Yuu is still known as the non-magical human to most of the school. Which created another rumor concerning her to begin to circulate. This time around, it was that a spirit of the sea serving the sea monster that took Yuu haunts her.

"Yuu, we need to talk. Due to the disturbing amount of paranormal activity around you, we've decided to let you move into another dorm," Crowley says, the coffee on his desk steaming.

"Oh, can I move into Octavinelle!" Yuu asks, her posture straightening.

"No, we're moving you into Diasomnia. Thankfully, Malleus jumped at the offer to have you at his dorm. Be glad you have such a wonderful friend!" Crowley responds, pushing his chair out.

He's a good friend, but right now, I'm starting to get annoyed with him

Yuu collects her belongings from Ramshackle and begrudgingly heads to Diasomnia. When Yuu opens the door, she sees everyone standing in a line and welcoming her.

"Welcome to Diasomnia. We're glad to have you," Lilia greets, bowing to Yuu. "Your room will be next to Malleus's."

I'm never going to be able to get a good swim at this rate

"We'll be heading out for dinner in 30 minutes," Sebek states, picking up Yuu's things and taking them to her room.

As Yuu settles into her new room, she notices a gift on her bed. She opens it and finds a ribbon matching the one Grim wears.

"Grim, look! I have a matching ribbon," Yuu squeals, tying the ribbon in her hair. "We have an official dorm uniform."

"Nyah! We're official!" Grim mewls, jumping into Yuu's arms.

"We're making our way to dinner. Waka-sama has requested your presence," Sebek yells, pounding the door.

Yuu opens the door and walks to dinner with Malleus. The fae prince gets Yuu a burger with fries with a glass of water. The girl stares nervously at the water and touches it, hoping it doesn't freeze again.

"So, how's your food?" Malleus asks, eating a steak.

"It's fine. I saw the video of you today. Tell me, do you have magic and somehow hide it from everyone?" Malleus asks, making Yuu spit out her water.

"What video?!" Yuu shrieks, about to jump across the table.

"The video on Cater's Magicam. See."

Malleus pulls out a phone and shows Yuu the video of her unconsciously controlling her powers. Yuu's face pales, and she starts to feel faint.

"I need to go!" Yuu says, getting up and rushing over to the Octavinelle trio. "Guys, major emergency! Have you seen the video yet?"

"No, I haven't been on Magicam yet," Azul answers, biting into the flounder.

"Someone got a video of me controlling my powers somehow! I didn't even mean to! It just happened while meditating!" Yuu whisper-screams, sitting down next to him. "Maybe Idia can hack into Magicam and delete the post."

"Already done. Idia got wind of the post and hacked into Cater's account to delete the video," Jade explains, scooching over to let Yuu sit with him. "It should be erased from the internet within an hour."

"Thank you. Now I have to survive Diasomnia, which I feel would be hard," Yuu says, putting her head on the table.

"Call us if you need anything," Azul vocalizes, picking his tray up. "Anyway, I think you should get going. The Diasomnia students are starting to leave."

Yuu gives the Octavinelle trio her goodbyes and heads back to Diasomnia. Everyone goes to their respective rooms and either hang out or gets ready for bed. Yuu decides to take a bath and grabs a washcloth, grim, and some soap. She walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind her.

"Alright, Yuu, let's see what you can do," Yuu says to herself, using her powers to turn on the faucet and fill the bathtub with hot water.

The bathroom begins to steam, and Yuu strips naked. She steps into the bathtub and transforms into a mermaid.

"It feels so nice to be in hot water like this," Yuu sighs, dipping her head underwater.

"This is the life," Grim sighs, floating on the water.

The two lose track of time, and eventually, a knock vibrates on the door.

"Yuu, are you ok in there? It's been an hour," Malleus asks, trying to listen for Yuu's answer. "The door's locked."

Yuu raises her head above the water and looks at the door.

"That's it, I'm using an unlocking spell," Malleus yells, taking out his magipen.

"No, no! That's ok!" Yuu yells back, realizing it's too late.

The door almost swings open, but Yuu froze the door handle and has a block of water pushing against the door.

"Yuu, why isn't the door opening?!" Malleus exclaims, trying to burst the door open.

Fuck, what am I going to do?

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