Chapter 3

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So it's 2015...
And people are still stupid enough to fall for something like this.
I'm not gonna stand here and lie to Jackie and say my dad didn't commit suicide.
Cause he did.
It had nothing to do with me or my mom though. We were a broken family. We loved each other so much but my dad had had depression problems since he was just a Kid.
He had to have 3 pills a day and was always loud when he was on the pills
It was nothing I could ever control.
I looked straight at Jackie. I wasn't gonna cry, or yell, scream, get mad.
Cause yeah, I was and wanted to do all of those things but I couldn't let people get the best of me.
If I did it was gonna be a long hard life for me...
So I-uh-I may have started laughing.
And I mean I started laughing laughing.
No. It was awful that this had happened to my family. That my dad died when I was 3 and it was the biggest thing that had ever happened in my small town of Peachgrove
California. (This is a made up town that's in my story. If this really is a town...then...I'm phychic! 😂)
But. The only way to really make someone mad is to kill them with kindness. So I was killing Jackie and all her little "Gossip Girls" with laughter.
I knew this wasn't true. And so did everyone else.
How could Little shy Lex make anyone's life
As I walked to my first class I noticed a new girl I had never seen before sitting in the seat next to mine.
Out of character I said something to her.
"Hey are you new?" My mouth blurted out.
I think I sounded nice. I hope I did.
She responded.
"Well, sort of...I came here yesterday, and I just got showed around a little bit. My names Jess. I think I saw you yesterday but I'm not sure. I got suspended from my old, here I am" She said this while she twirled ur pencil in her hand. There was something about this girl.
She was tough, but strong. She was nice I think...but had a attitude.
She had edge.
I pulled out my schedule to compare it with hers quickly learning that we had 4/6 classes together.
And then class started and I zoned out once again. Feeling lost inside...
-----6 painful hours later-----
As usual I Got home and removed the sweaty backpack from my back. I just got off the stupid bus.
As I pulled out my phone I with unpleasantly surprised with another text from miss. Unknown.
Hey torturer. Mr. Bills with probably kill himself to with you being in his class.
Mr. Bills was my math teacher. I had him for first period.
I was so struck back by how mean this person was. 2 awful text in a day? Who was she? And how did she get my number. The text where for sure getting worse. I threw my phone down on the couch and groaned.
Why me?!
Another chapter! Do you guys think Jess could be a possible new friend? We will have to see....
Stay strong and beautiful 💓💕

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