Chapter 2

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The rest of the night was our ttrue with my having a war with myself trying to decide if I should tell my mom or not.
I mean, what would she say ? How could she help at all? This kinda stuff was bound to happen to me sooner or later.
I took a deep breath and let sleep take over my body as I snuggled deeper into the covers.
We hate you!! They chased me down a empty ally. There were 3 girls. They pinned me up and against the wall and hit me with all there hurtful words. Ahhh!!! They screamed. Just go kill yourself!! My heart raced and raced as I tryed to get away. Noooo!!! I screamed...
Just a dream. It was just a dream.
I sat up on my bed as sweat dripped from me. I looked around at my dark room. It was never this scary in the light. My mom was for sure sleeping and her bed room was down stairs so I turned on the light. The room lit up. I sat on my bed and looked at the time.
Whoa! It was actually 6:45. My alarm must have been turned off. I opened the window and looked out my window into my backyard. Birds were flying and chirping.
I looked in my closet. For the first time I felt self conscious about what I was wearing. I grabbed my phone off my bed stand to text my mom and ask her if she could bring me to school today.
As I hit the home button I say another thing that made my heart race.
One new message from: unknown.
God, no. Why me?
I clicked on the message.
You will look ugly no matter what you wear
It read. Would I? Yeah, I would...wouldn't I?
What did I do to this person. From the comments, I was sure it was a girl. And I knew they were from my school too.
Who could have so much hate to make a person feel this bad inside.
I had to leave in 15 minutes so I couldn't wait around thinking about it.
I grabbed some jean shorts and a tank top and brushed my hair over and over for 5 minutes so it was as flat as I could make it.
I grabbed my back back and put my phone in the pocket.
Time to go to another day in death.
High school here I come.
As I get off the bus (yeah mom thanks so much for that "ride") I see a few people staring at me.
Um...alright. I think. Usually it just the typical, I don't know who she is and I don't care looks that come my way, but this? What the literal heck is going on.
If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.
Great. I think as the rude blonde hair sprayed girl comes running toward me.
Here is Jackie, the blunt, rude, has no filter girl.
I mentally groan as she reaches me.
"So" she say while flipping her hair,
"A rumors going around that the reason that your dad committed suicide was because you and your witch of a mom made his life torture.

I take a deep breath no knowing weather to cry or start laughing.
What is wrong with people's minds in this generation to believe Jackie?
Heyyy!! I'm really excited writing this book. I will probably post once or twice a week, but if you ever tell me to update or message me to or something. I totally will!
Shanks for reading!!
Stay strong and beautiful 💯

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