Chapter 1

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Be nice. For everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
That was probably my favorite quote. It totally showed what people should be thinking before they hurt someone, even if that someone doesn't have many friends.
I don't have friends. I've never been popular. I don't think I'm that ugly. But people tell me that I am and ruin that little bit of confidence I have. High school is so hard. Girls are rude. But...what are you suppose to do. I'm 15. I don't have much power. I have a amazing mom and a pretty nice house. My mom worked decent hours. She would actually be home in a good 15 minutes. I collapsed on the couch and turned the TV on and then turned it down. I was one of those really weird people who can't fall sleep unless the TV is on a low volume. As I close my eyes and put my head back I hear a little vibration. I look towards the coffee table where my iPhone 5c sits. The bright pinkness of it instantly makes me smile. Until I see the number is unknown. That's weird. I quickly go to the contact information but not quick enough to not see the message.
"Your hair looked weird today" it read. My heart kinda stopped for a minute. I Couldn't believe this was happening. Why would anyone take the time to say something mean to me. I felt a guilty feeling. I quickly brought my hair up to my elbow length hair and flattened it down. What- What was wrong sign it. We used to talk about this kinda stuff in elementary school.
We always had them at the beginning of the year, the middle and the end. The lessons contained of telling a adult Anything that you saw online that made you feel uncomfortable.
To not get close to someone who you didn't really know.
To not go anywhere with someone you didn't know.
They never said to block them. I actually couldn't remember anything they used to say.
So now here I was. I had no idea what to do or say. Replay? No. Pretend it never happened? No...I couldn't do that. My Brain would burst. I would always be looking at everyone everywhere I went to see if they looked guilty enough to do this.
I tapped my long painted nails on the coffee table where my phone sat.
Am I supposed to reply?
My first reaction was sadness.
Did it really look that bad? Everyday, I just get dressed in a nice shirt and jeans, skirt or a dress. And I brush my hair down every morning and usually pin it back a little bit with a bobby pin.
Nothing out of the usual. My first instinct was to cry. When someone insults you, that's usually one of the first things you do.
Well, I do. I bet popular and cool people just blow it off like its no big deal. But I really don't have many friends.
My thoughts are interrupted by a key being put in the door. I quickly sit up. I feel like I did something wrong but didn't.
"Hi mom!" I say really excited.
My moms golden brown eyes stare back at me.
"Um...hi sweetie" she says looking at me weirdly.
Uh. I can't even say hi without feeling guilty. This is gonna be a long night.
Hey! First chapter!! I love all my readers so thanks for reading !!!😍
Stay strong and beautiful ✌🏼

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