Chapter 11

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The next morning came and i got up to make breakfast. I acted as if nothing happened yesterday...

I made the same breakfast then grabbed my plate and filled it with the food I'm gonna have

I went back to my room and ate there. After eating i washed my plate then got to working

Suddenly i realize something. Where was the 3 slender brothers and slender woman yesterday?

The last time i saw them was when i picked slenderwoman up from getting lost.

Why on earth is she gonna get lost when she used to come here for the last 6 years to visit me

I've come up from a few theories and some bothered me

What if the slenderwoman i picked up isn't really slenderwoman?

Or was it?

It's impossible that she's a traitor...

I stood up and kick slendy's door open and sees he was talking to the proxies

"Where's your brothers and slender woman?"  I asked slendy which he came also realized

Don't tell me...

I walked out ignoring everyone's presence and started to search for them using my clairvoyance

6 hours later...

They're nowhere to be found.. Anywhere from this whole world.

It's possible they are kidnapped or something

i walked inside noticing everyone gone

What? They were just here...

Suddenly i heard a scream.. It was Nina's voice

I quickly teleported to her and saw her being dragged inside an unknown portal

I held her hand and pulled her and the portal disappeared

"You okay? " i asked and she just nodded

"Everyone is gone... Except you and.. Me.. "  i mumbled

I look down at her and she was shaking a bit

"Nina calm down. There's no time for being scared or traumatized. we're all traumatized already so stand up and face everything" i said and started to investigate the whole mansion

After a few minutes i saw Dark link coming back

"Hey cutie where's everyone? "  he asked

"Kidnapped by an unknown portal. I saw Nina almost got kidnapped too" i said and looked the other way seeing Nina geared up with her weapon

We're gonna save everyone.

I have an idea who is behind this.

"Go behind me you two. we'll go save their... Wait Ben you here? " 

"Yeah! I was trolling some kid"  he laughed

"Well come on here! Everyone else got kidnapped! " i shouted and teleported us to other dimension

Oh i got a new skill! My teleportation skill got upgraded

Everything is dark... No light at all. Do they got glow in the dark eyes?

I used some random power and made us see through dark like normal

"Woah.. "

"Alright i tracked their location. "

"That's so fast" the three thought

Their far from North and locked up and tied with a weird dark... Smoke?

I teleported us inside the cell and there everyone trying to get rid of the black smoke surrounding their bodies

I tried to touch the smoke but it gave me a strong force making my head dizzy and i passed out

I heard them calling my name but i was too weak..

When i woke up i was also tied in a chair with the smoke again

"Haha~ Fancy meeting you Empress~"  the woman with a black dress exclaimed

"If i may ask who are you? "

"I am Malice. The Queen of the Dar-"

"Yeah Queen of Darkness whatever. the fuck you need from the whole creepypasta? " i said and rolled my eyes

"That's not how you speak to a Queen!!! Bow down and apologize peasa-" she was cutted of when i just stared at her

"Hey..." I said and i felt my other side take control

She flinched as well as everyone else. I stood up snapping the smoke and stared at her

There it is... the rage I've been keeping on my heart

Everything started shaking and the cells eventually collapsed and everyone got freed somehow

So the key for this smoke is intense distess

"You will all pay for ny my husband's death.. " she said and let out her wrath

She's a great opponent.. She's definitely worthy for it

I opened the full gates of demon and everything is shaking and collapsing

She was forced to look down and it made me smile.

I created a portal back to our world and everyone left to go back

She attacked first and i was on defense mode

I blocked her attacks and countered it with strong kick on her boob

She held it and i took the opportunity to slam her head to the ground but i felt my arm got cut off

A black smoke appeared out of nowhere and sliced my torso

I felt the atmosphere change and i was back on the real world

My torso healed and i was slammed on the ground

I felt everything vibrating and i felt my head got sliced to half

I quickly recovered and attacked her with my hand fan

Wind started to slice her body so i punched her head and she flew back

I attacked her nonstop until she was completely destroyed

I levitated in the sky and brought a meteor and crushed her body with it

Everything from the surrounding areas was utterly destroyed

Black smoke appeared and she vanished

I took time to recover the damaged areas and i went back to the mansion

Everyone had an expression of shock

"What? " I said in a monotone voice

"Y/n.."  Slendy uttered

I ignored him and walk back to my room exhausted

But as i was walking on the stairs i felt the wave of darkness took over my body

Before i know it, Everything went black.

To be continued

The Hidden Empress    Jeff The Killer x F!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن