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"I noticed that you've not sticking to Asahi these days. That's weird," Junghwan stated.

"Eh?" Jaehyuk just noticed that when Junghwan mentioned it. He did spend less time with Asahi. Their time doesn't really match and he has quite a lot of stuffs to do with school and club activities. "I just. Have things to do,"

"Even without you, Asahi still hang out with us. I like it," Junghwan said. "It's really nice to be around him. He took care of us well,"

Suddenly Jaehyuk remembered about the fact that Asahi told him that someone confessed to him. And Jaehyuk know that person better than Asahi did.

Jaehyuk almost forgot about that because he has been busy these days. And hearing Junghwan told him that Asahi still hang out with them even without Jaehyuk around, make him suddenly worry about it again. About who is the possible crush who already confessed to Asahi.

Jeongwoo, who secretly always showed that he care. Well. Jeongwoo love language is acts of service. By the way he acted around Asahi, there's high possibility that he's the crush.

Junkyu, who openly telling Jaehyuk that he actually care and interested in Asahi even before Jaehyuk decided to be friend with Asahi. It did bothering Jaehyuk whenever Junkyu being together with Asahi because he could tell that Asahi enjoyed Junkyu's company by his little gestures.

And last on the list, Junghwan. Jaehyuk stared at Junghwan for quite a long time.

"What?" Junghwan asked.

"Do you like someone right now?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Why? You wanna date me?" Junghwan asked.

"Obviously no, kid," Jaehyuk asked. "I'm just curious,"

"Well. That's a secret," Junghwan grinned. "Ah! Back to our conversation earlier. Do you know Asahi can take pictures very well? I just knew about this,"

"Pictures?" Jaehyuk asked. Jaehyuk actually didn't really pay any attention on what Junghwan has been talking about. His head is suddenly full of the thought of Asahi and his possible crush.

"Yes!" Junghwan took out his phone and showed it to Jihoon. "These are just a few that Asahi sent to me. Doesn't it look really good?"

Jaehyuk looked at the pictures on Junghwan's phone. And the last picture is a picture of Asahi smiling brightly.

"Ah! I took that one. It really took me off guard when he suddenly smiled like that. Like he always showed a very minimal expression but suddenly he smiled like that," Junghwan said.

"What did you said to him?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Not sure. I can't remember," Junghwan said. "It's really nice hanging out with Asahi. I should've asked him earlier,"

Jaehyuk stared at the picture of Asahi smiling. I used to be only him who can see Asahi's changes of expressions. But now, Asahi slowly expressing his emotions to other people as well.

"Look! It's Asahi and Jeongwoo," Junghwan suddenly pointed toward a direction. Jaehyuk quickly turned toward the direction Junghwan was pointing at. He saw Asahi and Jeongwoo talking to each other while queuing to buy food. "I didn't remember that those two take any class together today? Why suddenly they're together? And Jeongwoo is not the type to eat here at the cafeteria,"

"Right," Jaehyuk said. Jeongwoo preferred to buy some bread or pastries and eat it somewhere instead of queuing to buy the meal there. Jeongwoo always complained whenever he need to eat at the cafeteria.

"They're coming," Junghwan waved at them who already bought their food. Jeongwoo saw Junghwan. He told Asahi about them and the two walked toward the table where Junghwan and Jaehyuk was sitting at.

"It's rare seeing you here to eat," Jaehyuk commented.

"I met Asahi just now and he keep saying that he need food while we're talking. So I figured out that we need to find food right away," Jeongwoo said.

Asahi just let out an awkward giggles making Jeongwoo who's standing right beside him chuckled. Jaehyuk couldn't help but to somehow glared at Jeongwoo for a second before he tried to look away. He didn't even know why he glared at his close friend. The two joined Jaehyuk and Junghwan at the table.

"I showed Jaehyuk the pictures we took last time," Junghwan told Asahi.

"Ah! I noticed that Jaehyuk and Asahi haven't really hanging out together these few days," Jeongwoo said.

"Right! I told Jaehyuk about that as well," Junghwan said.

"I've told you that I have stuffs to do," Jaehyuk said.

Then, they proceed to talked about something he's not quite familiar about and they seems like having fun. Even though Asahi still didn't really shows his emotions, it's quite clear that he enjoys talking to Jeongwoo and Junghwan, right now. He did looked comfortable around them. So, who was it?

Is it possible that Jeongwoo was the one who confessed to Asahi before? Or Junghwan? Both have high possibility. Just seeing Asahi being comfortable around his close friends somehow make him feels weird. And the fact that he didn't really know about the topics they're talking about make Jaehyuk somehow jealous

"You okay?" Asahi asked. Jaehyuk has been awfully quiet since he joined him. Jaehyuk didn't even join their conversation and looked like he's thinking about something.

"Yeah. Are you alright? You've been really quiet," Jeongwoo asked.

"I'm good," Jaehyuk answered. "Just thinking about classes and stuffs,"

"Ah! It's quite hard, right? The syllabus for this semester. Like, all classes having their hardest syllabus in a same semester. So cruel," Junghwan ranted. Jaehyuk smiled and nodded, agreeing with what Junghwan talked about.

"Jaehyuk probably struggled the most among us. He haven't even has time to hang out with Asahi that make Asahi need someone else to hang out with," Jeongwoo said.

"Right! And it looked like Asahi and Junkyu has been hanging out a lot these days," Junghwan said.

"We shared similar interests," Asahi said while smiling.

"You guys really did. Sometimes I can't even understand Junkyu but looked like Asahi clicked well with Junkyu," Junghwan said.

Ah.. Junkyu. It's probably him. The crush Asahi told him about.

"I need to use the toilet," Jaehyuk said. He stood up and walked toward the toilet. He couldn't even explain what he's actually feeling.

Yes. He glad that Asahi now is more open to people around him. That Asahi can hang out with more people and not just shut himself in his room like before. But Jaehyuk didn't even know why he felt so restless right now.

"Are you really okay, Jaejae?" Jaehyuk who just washed his face turned at Asahi who stood behind him after seeing his reflection on the mirror.

"Yeah. I'm good," Jaehyuk said. Asahi walked toward him and put his hand on Jaehyuk's forehead. He then chuckle.

"I couldn't even tell your temperature because you just washed your face," Asahi said.

Jaehyuk moved Asahi's hand from his forehead and put their forehead together.

"What about now?" Jaehyuk asked.

Asahi put his other hand behind Jaehyuk's head and pulled him closer before he pecked Jaehyuk's lips. It did make Jaehyuk shocked. He quickly looked around.

"There's no one around. I've checked before," Asahi said. "Don't go too hard on yourself, Jaehyuk-ah. You know, you still can take a break sometimes,"

"Yeah... Thank you for reminding me," Jaehyuk said. Yes. Sometimes, he did forgot to take a break. He always wanted to prove that he's the best, especially to his parents. He always forget that he might forced himself to do better and more. "Can I have a hug?"

"Now?" Asahi asked. Jaehyuk nodded. "Here?"

"I need to recharge," Jaehyuk said before suddenly pulled Asahi into his arms. He breath in Asahi's scent that he haven't get to smell for days because of his too much works. Yes. He did missed this scent.

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