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"Oho! You're limiting your alcohol intake again today," Jeongwoo stated after Jaehyuk pushed away his already empty glasses far from him.

"You did?" Asahi who's sitting next to him asked.

"Yeah. It's really rare seeing him really really drunk. Because he has a cute drunken habit," Junkyu added before Jaehyuk able to answer Asahi's question.

"No. Stop right there," Jaehyuk said.

"What is it?" Asahi looked at Junkyu with twinkling in his eyes, making Junkyu paused for a bit, mesmerized by the beautiful eyes of Asahi. "Junkyu?"

"Oh! Yes. Sorry," Junkyu said. "Jaehyuk's drunken habit is, he will tell the truth and it sometimes really painful truth and annoying. But if you asked him anything when he's really drunk, he'll answered all of your questions truthfully without hiding or lying about anything,"

"Yes. And it's really hard to take care of. He once told the policeman who passed by that he looked like he's not doing his job and look more like a villain than a policeman. Jaehyuk also commented that about someone's fashion right in front of them and their friends that they looked horrible. I just really surprised that he haven't be involved in any fight because of his words," Jihoon told.

"I only get really drunk like once, okay," Jaehyuk said. His friends looked at him, giving him dissatisfied look at his answer. "Okay. Trice,"

"That's right. Three times," Jeongwoo said.

"I know that my habit is a pain in ass. That's why I'm trying not to be really drunk. I don't want to trouble you guys or anyone," Jaehyuk said. "And I have no reason to get too drunk too now,"

"Why are you getting yourself too drunk before?" Asahi asked.

"Because of you," Jihoon, Junkyu, Jeongwoo and Junghwan said in unison.

"Me?" Asahi asked in confusion.

"Because you always got the spotlight even you didn't even work too hard on it. Jaehyuk just hated the fact that he can't even beat you even though he's tried so hard to do so," Junghwan said. "All the three times he got really drunk are all because of he's stressed and the cause is his childish one sided hate toward Asahi,"

"I've told you that I didn't hate Asahi. I just -"

"Dislike him? Alright. We get it already," Jihoon said.

"So.. he said that when he's drunk?" Asahi asked.

"He said that he dislike you. So you can definitely believe him that he only disliked you," Jeongwoo said.

"But, not anymore. We're the bestest friends now," Jaehyuk said while hugging Asahi's shoulder.

"I'm really glad that you finally in a good term with Asahi. I've been wanting to be close with Asahi for a long time. But you always complaining about Asahi. So to not hurting your feeling, I didn't try to get close with Asahi," Junkyu said.

"Me too. Me too," Junghwan said.

"And now you're blaming me?" Jaehyuk asked. "You can just be friend with him. It's not like I forbid you to,"

"But you really acted like you'll hate it if we're trying to talked to Asahi," Jeongwoo commented.

"I need to use the toilet," Asahi excused himself. He walked toward the toilet at the back of the restaurant.

"Ugh! Asahi is so cute," Junkyu suddenly stated.

"Right. I agree," Jeongwoo said. "He make me wanna hug him and protect him. I'm so glad that I have a chance to eat out and drink with him like this. Thank you, Jaehyuk-ah for stop disliking Asahi,"

"Whatever," Jaehyuk said. "I'm going out for a bit,"

Jaehyuk walked out from the restaurant. He let out a sigh. Just hearing his friends talks just make him feel like he's really useless and childish for whatever he did to Asahi. Yes. Jaehyuk didn't remember anything when he get really drunk. But Jihoon did filmed him when he's really drunk and all he talked is how he pissed off of Asahi's existence and he hope that he didn't met Asahi at all. Jaehyuk can confirm that his feeling toward Asahi, him disliking Asahi that time, is valid and strong. Like he's being stubborn and one sidedly disliking Asahi on everything he did when the Japanese guy didn't even has any foul intention and not even intended to defeat Jaehyuk in anything or something. It's only Jaehyuk.

"What are you doing here?" Jaehyuk turned at the owner of that voice, Asahi who approached him in front of the restaurant.

"Oh. It's you," Jaehyuk said. "It's just, quite hot inside. I just wanna take the air. I'll be back soon. You can go back to the table,"

"Um... Can you follow be for a bit?" Asahi asked.

"To where?" Jaehyuk asked. Asahi didn't answered to Jaehyuk's question but just pulled his friend's hand somewhere. Toward an alley beside the restaurant they're having their hang out session at. Asahi suddenly pushed Jaehyuk at the wall and cupped his face before kissed him on his lips. Jaehyuk is quite shocked but quickly responded to Asahi's kiss.

Asahi opened his mouth while kissing Jaehyuk and Jaehyuk started to massaging Asahi's tongue with his. Asahi moved his hands from cupping Jaehyuk's face to wrapped it around the taller's neck and deepening their kiss. Jaehyuk started to nibbling Asahi's lips in between his kisses and pushed his tongue inside Asahi's mouth to lick every corner of his inside. Asahi moaned in between his kissed and started to grinned his clothed half hard length to Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk put his hands on Asahi's bottom and pulled him to closer the gap and grinded harder.

They keep on eating each other's mouth while grinding their clothed members together. Asahi moaned once a while but suddenly pushed Jaehyuk's body away from him. Breaking their connection on their lips and clothed body. Jaehyuk can see Asahi smirking through the dimmed lighting from the street lights not far from the alley they're at. Asahi touched Jaehyuk's already hard member and rubbed it a bit, making Jaehyuk groaned under his touch.

"You're hard," Asahi whispered at Jaehyuk's ear.

"Aren't yours as well?" Jaehyuk asked while trying to catch his breath because of the kiss they just shared and Asahi's hand that's still touching his member. Jaehyuk moved his hand back to Asahi's bottom's and teased his hole.

"Do you want it?" Asahi asked.

"Yes.. so bad," Jaehyuk whispered in Asahi's ear with a deep voice.

"Later," Asahi said. He pulled Jaehyuk's hand from touching and teasing his hole. "You should take care of that first,"

"Wanna help me?" Jaehyuk smirk.

"No. I already calmed down. I still can hide it with my clothes but you can't," Asahi said. Jaehyuk looked at Asahi's outfit. He's wearing his baggy shirt that's a little long and a baggy pants, it's enough to cover any bulged that he don't want anyone to see. While Jaehyuk in the other hand is wearing his legging denim and tucked in his black shirt. Jaehyuk sighed. "I'm going back in. Don't take too long,"

Asahi then just left to walked back inside.

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