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Asahi opened his eyes as he felt the coldness of the air touching his bare skin. He sat up straight on his bed. His head felt hurt. So did his back.

"What the hell," he sighed as he saw his surrounding.

Used condoms everywhere. Their clothes are on the floor. He didn't even throw away the empty beer cans. Asahi didn't wore anything and just covered by the blanket from his torso and down to his feet.

Naked underneath of course. He turned at his left. Jaehyuk is still there, sleeping. He believes that guys also is still naked under the blanket.

Asahi's eyes stares at Jaehyuk's sleeping face, moving downward to see the scratches and teeth marks on that guy's shoulders and back. Some hickeys on his arms and neck.

Yes. Asahi left those yesterday. He shook his head. Can't believe what he just did yesterday. Yes he was drunk but he can remember everything that he did last night.

Asahi tried to get up to clean himself. Before he could stand up straight, his legs gave up.

"Ouch," Asahi groaned. His eyes got widened as he felt something is leaking from his bottom. "Fuck,"

"What are you doing there?" Jaehyuk asked. He awake as he heard something fell on the floor just now. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"I can't stand up," Asahi said.

"Surely you can't. Do you even remember what happened yesterday? You're not drunk aren't you?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Even if I was drunk, I can recall it clearly whatever happened last night," he said. "Why the hell did you shot inside?"

"You ask me to do you raw on our last round," Jaehyuk said.

"Doesn't mean you can come inside," Asahi sighed. Jaehyuk push away the blanket that has been covering his bare skin and turned at Asahi.

"You didn't even complained yesterday and just fall asleep," Jaehyuk said. He get down and carefully carried Asahi, bridal style.

"What are you doing?" Asahi asked while already on Jaehyuk's arms.

"Helping you? Didn't you said that you can't get up?" Jaehyuk asked. "I'll help you to clean too,"

Asahi nodded. He circled his arms around Jaehyuk's neck.


"It's already happened," Asahi said.

Jaehyuk carried Asahi to the bathroom in the Japanese guy's bedroom. Jaehyuk helped him to clean his bottom. Asahi get goosebumps many times as their bare skins touching each other and the coldness of the water and the air touching his skin.

"Done," Jaehyuk said. He put Asahi on the bathroom counter and covered him with the big new towel while he prepared the bath for him.

Asahi just sat there, staring at Jaehyuk's back. There's a lot of scratches on his back. And all was made by Asahi. His eyes go down to that guy's bare bottom half.

"Alright. The bath is ready," Jaehyuk said. He turned at Asahi who's still staring at his lower bottom. Jaehyuk smirked at him. "What are you looking at?"

"Can we... Do. You know? The morning thing," Asahi said.

"What? Morning thing? Brushing your teeth? Breakfast?" Jaehyuk asked pretending not to know what Asahi is talking about.

He walked toward Asahi who's still sitting on the sink. Asahi bits his lower lips. Jaehyuk find it seducing. He quickly peck on Asahi's lips.

"Don't seduce me. It's still early," Jaehyuk said. "And I just cleaned you,"

"You can just, not put it in," Asahi said before he wrapped his legs around Jaehyuk's torso. Jaehyuk chuckled.

"What can I do with you, Hamada Asahi?" He started to kissed Asahi's lips. After another hot session, in the bathroom, early in the morning, Jaehyuk took a bath with Asahi.

While in the bathtub, Asahi turned to face Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk slightly tilted his head, with the look in his eyes asking why Asahi turned at him.

Asahi stares at Jaehyuk's bare chest. He caressed it gently. There's a lot of marks that Asahi left on Jaehyuk's chest.

"I should've left more marks," Asahi said. "There're still a lot of empty spaces,"

"What are you even trying to do by marking me like that?" Jaehyuk asked. "It's sting, you know,"

Asahi turned is body away with his back facing Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk smiled.

"I'm going to clean your room. I'll be back in 10 minutes," Jaehyuk kissed Asahi's nape before walked out from the bath tub. "Don't fall asleep. If you need anything, just call me,"

Jaehyuk took a towel and dry his own body before walked out from the bathroom. Asahi stared at the light in his bathroom while rubbing his nape. It felt hot there.

There's so many things in his mind but he can't sort it out. 

"Why the hell you did that, Asahi?" he asked himself.

After a few minutes, Jaehyuk came back to Asahi. He carried Asahi out from the bath tub and dry him with the towel.

Somehow it sent weird feeling in Asahi's stomach. He didn't expect that Jaehyuk will treat him like that after what happened last night.

Jaehyuk picked Asahi's clothes and proceed to dry Asahi's hair with the hair drier.

Asahi noticed that his bedroom is already clean. Jaehyuk even changed the bedsheets.

"How's your waist?" Jaehyuk asked.

"It's bearable," Asahi answered.

"I didn't expect that you have that amount of libido. You really exhaust me last night," Jaehyuk said.

Jaehyuk lost count on how many round they did last night. Asahi didn't let him sleep before he did.

"You enjoyed it too," Asahi stated.

"True," Jaehyuk said. "But seriously. You didn't look like you'll act like that in bed,"

"Like what?" Asahi looked up. His head on Jaehyuk's laps. Jaehyuk looked down at Asahi's face. He smiled before pecking his lips.

"Like a cat," Jaehyuk said. He pecked Asahi lips again. "A cutie sexy one,"

Asahi smirk. Jaehyuk swore, he really like that smirk on Asahi's face. It's so rare because Asahi never showed any other emotions other than his poker face.

Jaehyuk kind of glad that he didn't turn off the light yesterday because he's able to see a lot of different expressions on his friend's face.

"I glad you didn't act differently," Jaehyuk said after a silence moments between them.

"What do you mean?" Asahi asked.

"Because you was drunk.. I'm sorry," Jaehyuk said.

"I'm fully aware whatever we did last night and I totally consent it," Asahi said. "Stop apologizing,"

"Do you regret? Doing that? Yesterday?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Why should I? I asked for it," Asahi said. 

"I still feel bad for making you can't stand up," Jaehyuk said. Asahi turned at Jaehyuk before he stood up.

"I can stand up," Asahi said. "I just lost the strength in my legs after waking up. It's not like I can't walk anymore,"

Jaehyuk smiled before hugging Asahi's waist, burying his face on Asahi's tummy. Asahi caressed Jaehyuk damped hair.

Jaehyuk didn't even bother to dry his own hair but to take care of Asahi first. Asahi appreciate that about Jaehyuk.

"Don't be shocked if I asked for it again," Asahi said while playing with Jaehyuk's hair.

Jaehyuk shocked hearing that from Asahi. He quickly looked up, still not letting Asahi's waist go. Asahi smirked again.

"I think, I got addicted," Asahi said before kissed Jaehyuk's half parted lips. Jaehyuk can't help but to smile in between their kisses. Yes. He got addicted as well.

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