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Jaehyuk's sleep was distracted when he felt like there's a weight on him and tickling feeling, almost wet covering his neck. Jaehyuk took a deep breath, breathing in the scent around him.  It's Asahi. He opened his eyes just to be greeted by an already expected scene of Asahi kissing and licking his neck. Jaehyuk chuckled and squirmed as it felt tickled sometimes.

"You awake," Asahi said. He looked up at Jaehyuk, planting more kissing on his face and kissing his lips for a long time. Licking, sucking and nibbling Jaehyuk's lips. Jaehyuk just let the Japanese guy to do whatever activity he's doing on any part of his body. "Good morning,"

They're at Jaehyuk's own apartment, the apartment he got from his parents for his birthday. Jaehyuk has been living in this apartment for a few months already while Asahi already slept over for more than half period of time of Jaehyuk living there. But he doesn't mind.

"Done marking me?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I'm not satisfied yet," Asahi caressed Jaehyuk's neck and up to his jawline. He left more kisses along his sharp jawline. It has been their morning routine after rounds of intense activities the night before. Jaehyuk just let him doing it as he like to feel their bare skins against each other, rubbing and being connected. Jaehyuk didn't even know why but he just enjoyed it like that. Unlike Asahi's cold expression, his body is warm. The just right temperature according to Jaehyuk's preference. Even though it's sticky and sweaty, Jaehyuk didn't care. He just want to feel more of Asahi.

Without they even realized, it has been almost half a year since they started their physical relationship. They're friend with benefits. They claimed each other as friends but alway sexually attracted toward each other and will did it almost everytime they hang out with just the two of them. They kissed each other, feel each other. But they're friends. They never set any rule of their relationship and just enjoy the moment.

"Do you want to go for another round before shower?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Can we?" Asahi asked with a twinkling in his eyes. Jaehyuk chuckled before he kissed him on his lips.

"Of course," Jaehyuk said. "Anything for you,"

They kissed again and started their hot session on the bed again. Jaehyuk's smile never faded from his face while staring at Asahi who's on to of him, bouncing his body, demanding for pleasure. Even though they already did it plenty, no. So many times already, Jaehyuk still can't believe that Asahi is this type on person in bed. Well. It's not like Jaehyuk didn't like it. He like it a lot. He just didn't expected it, that's all.

"Yours feels so good, Jaehyuk-ah," Asahi said while still bouncing his body, up and down on Jaehyuk's member. Jaehyuk suddenly changed their position. Making Asahi lying down on the bed, under him, without breaking their connection. Jaehyuk started to kiss him deep and hard. Asahi wrapped his arms around Jaehyuk's neck while responding to that kiss, kissing Jaehyuk back as hard  as he did. Asahi's still moving his waist while being under Jaehyuk and Jaehyuk pounding him. It's like he can't get enough of it.

"What the hell. You can't be patient for a bit. You're moving too fast," Jaehyuk said after breaking their kiss. "I'm still impressed of your libido. You might can't go to class today if we go too hard, darling,"

"You're the one who moved so slow. Do me harder. Messed up my mind and my body. I know you're capable to do that. Move faster. Pound me harder," Asahi begged. Jaehyuk attacked Asahi's mouth again before starting to move faster and harder, as per Asahi's request.

After they did it for a few rounds, as expected Asahi couldn't even stand up on his two feet. Jaehyuk as always, carried Asahi to the bathroom, clean him up before he tidy up the bedroom while leaving Asahi in the bathtub. Jaehyuk joined back Asahi after he done with cleaning his bedroom.

"It's always you who clean the bedroom after we did," Asahi stated.

"Well. It's not like you can do it. You can't even walk by your own," Jaehyuk said. "But you never stop keep asking for more and harder whenever we do it,"

"Why? You hated it?" Asahi asked. "Should I start, I mean we take turn to clean the bedroom after we done?"

"No," Jaehyuk said. "I can manage it," Jaehyuk said.


"You really planning to keep doing it with me don't you?" Jaehyuk smirked. "Don't you have a plan to get yourself a lover or something?"

"If I get myself a lover, we can't do this anymore, right?" Asahi asked.

"Well. Obviously," Jaehyuk said. "I don't want you to be a cheater or something. You can do it with your lover if you get one, right? So you don't need me anymore,"

"You're right," Asahi said. "What about you?"

"Me? Hm. I don't have a plan to get myself a lover yet. I probably will just wait for you to get yourself a lover then I'll start to look for mine. If I have a lover before you did, who'll handle your too high libido if not me?"

"Who else? You will do," Asahi said.

"But if I get myself a lover, I won't do this with you anymore. I have to think about my lover's feeling as well. And I won't cheat," Jaehyuk said.

"Is sleeping with other person when you're in a relationship consider as cheating?" Asahi asked.

"Yes? Obviously," Jaehyuk answered. "Even though it can't be helped for any reason, I will still feel bad for doing that while I still have a lover,"

Asahi nodded.

"Why are you keep asking these kind of questions? You make me scared all so sudden," Jaehyuk said.

"What if I told you someone already confessed their feeling toward me?" Asahi asked. "And asked me to be his boyfriend,"

There's a silence. None of them saying anything. Just being silence for a few minutes after Asahi's statement just now. Jaehyuk suddenly don't have any answer to give to Asahi right away while he easily answered and responded to every questions and statements from Asahi right before his last statement.

"Umm. Jaejae?" Asahi turned to face Jaehyuk. He's still spaced out. Asahi kissed his lips, quickly gaining the Korean boy's attention.


"What are you thinking about?" Asahi asked.

"About what you just said," Jaehyuk said. "Is it already happened or just possibility?"

"Already happened," Asahi said. "But I haven't gave them my answer yet,"

"Do I know this person?" Jaehyuk asked.

"You probably know this person even better than me," Asahi said.

"So.. what's your answer?" Jaehyuk asked again.

"I probably will accept it. But I'm still thinking about it," Asahi said.

"Do you like this person?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I can say that I'm comfortable being around that person quite a lot," Asahi said.

"Ah," Jaehyuk just nodded. But he still can't stop thinking. Who's the possible person who'll confessed to Asahi? The person who Jaehyuk know them well. His close friends?

They did said that they're interested in Asahi and wanted to talked to Asahi for a long time but because they're his friends, they didn't do it. Who might it be? Jihoon? But seems like Jihoon is trying to get closer to Hyunsuk. But still. He does looked like he actually care about Asahi seeing how he acted and his warnings to Jaehyuk before. Junkyu? High possibility because he keep saying that he care about Asahi. Jeongwoo? He didn't really say anything about it but some of his gesture screamed so boyfriend around Asahi. Junghwan? He looked like he loves to get the attention from Asahi.

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