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Hey there. Here is your lazy Author again. I feel like this will turn into one side of venting by the end of this but I feel like it has to be done.

Simply first out of question as you may notice my lack of updates. I very apologies for this but I had difficutly to get any time for myself mostly to problems with school and overall life wasn't doing. . .as well as I hoped to.

Second duo to working on side project with someone bits of my already small free time are cut in half duo to me being the main story writter.

With that out of the way I had a quetion surrounding this and all of my stories so far.

I start this account to test and try to do something for fun and never would I thought I would get so much attention. It brought me joy to make thinks for someone and see they enjoy it. But for the last couple of weeks I feel like I just using it went and all.

The spark of joy I got from making stories or those crazy ass one shot that were mostly over the top shit . It is just like start that is slowly burning out.
The poin is. I start to feel like less and less people are interested in my content. I mean it would not be suprise. I already rot in this side for while and most of you already grow up and might stop be interested either got disgusted by some reason, forgot, or left the comunitiy for number of reasons, and I support it and understand. Me my self got a bit away from Undertale comunity but mostly duo to the project.

But the main question I was asking to is. If you are still interested in this content. If you still find joy and bit of time in these stories, and mostly. If you enjoy them reading. Because if not then we are both waisting out times here.

So I beg you to let me know if I should continue, take a break, or just. . . give up, maybe write about something else, or just end it completely. So if you can. Please let me know. Your advice and answers will be heared and read. Even if I don't respond to them. I always read them and just see them. Brings me bit of joy.

Thank you for reading about my ranting and hopefully see you next time.

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