Friend, Once Again

Start from the beginning

"Fuck you too," I yell at him.

Watch, tomorrow he's going to forget about everything and act like everything is fine. I wonder what's up his ass. All moody. That should be me. His bipolar ass.

I glance at my watch and see that it's 7:55. I get up from the couch and go upstairs to get my keys. I hear Erick in his room moaning. His door was slightly open and I peeked through it. I quickly shut it when I saw him and a girl clapping each other.

"Wear a goddamn condom, Erick! I don't want to be an aunt yet." I chimed. I heard them stop. The door opened and Erick came out, naked. I covered my eyes, scared of seeing my younger brother's small penis.

"Tell Alex I said the same thing." Erick hissed. He slammed his door and locked it and the clapping, once again started.

I started walking to Alex's house before I was interrupted. by some car behind me.

"Gomez, that you?" I heard a New York accent say from the car. I immediately knew it was Dallas.

"Hey, Dallas! What are you doing in the neighborhood?" I asked.

"Going to Alex's. You?" Dallas replied.

"I live here," I said, pointing to my house. Dallas had an "ohhhhh" moment. I giggled. He smirked at me.

"Well, I'll catch you later," Dallas exclaimed while running a hand through his hair. I saluted him and started walking again. Dallas pulled up to Alex's house and parked in his driveway. Alex's house was empty. Weird.

I continued walking and finally got to Alex's doorstep. I rang the bell and waited for him to answer the door. The door finally opened and there was Alex. His hair covered his forehead and a part of his eyes. He pulled me in with his hands on my waist and kissed me.

We stood there for about 2 minutes till we got interrupted by Dallas.

"Will you guys stop the smoochfest? And close the goddamn door, it's fucking cold." Dallas scolded us. We quickly pulled away and Alex invited me in. He closed the door and we went to the living room. There laid Dallas and bottles of beer and boxes of cigarettes scattered all over the coffee table.

I took a seat on the couch next to Alex. There was a rerun of The Flintstones playing. I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

I stood there and just looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my face and found something that would make any teenager freak out.

A fucking pimple. It was still small but it was on my nose. Like on the direct tip.

I got out of the bathroom and found Alex and Dallas playing a game of checkers.

"So Y/N, why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" Dallas inquired.

"Guess it passed my mind," I said quickly. Alex glared at Dallas and Dallas glared at me. I just sat there nonchalantly.

They continued playing their game till Alex won. And Alex showed off his win.

"Wow Dally, didn't think I would win against you. Guess I'm just better." Alex showed off. Dallas just rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. Alex made sure he stayed there and went next to me and kissed me. Hard.

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